April 29, 2001

I am so smart that I fixed the broken picture links. Which means you can actually see the picture on the "What's this?" page. It's a miracle!

I went to a concert last night at the university. So it was in a lecture hall. At least it had cushy seats. The concert was cool, but being there reminded me of certain badness with the library. Grade 12. Didn't everything happen in grade 12?

I remember the field trip my AP English class took to the library. On the way in, we passed through the cafeteria. I knew all these people who were just sitting around. It was so distressing. I felt like I was ten. I was wearing my raincoat and had on my backpack... and then I saw him. Snap. He was sitting at a table, chatting up some girl. And I looked like a little kid. All I wanted was to be invisible. I was on a field trip to the library like some little kid and there was the guy I thought I was madly in love with.

Of course, as it turned out, I was utterly mistaken about the guy. He had no interest in me until after I started dating David. He gawked at me the first time he saw me with David and then every time after that. At Saving Private Ryan, even.

Oh well. I haven't seen him in years. I think I'd like to keep it that way.

The concert was great and I wrote a bunch of poems. Maybe I'll post them later. I don't feel like typing right now. It's not that I'm tired. I just feel tired.
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