
it’s not the fault
of not being older
not realizing
two months is a forever
for the time it exists

the space-time continuum
Einstein forgive us
is affected by our emotional state
because everything is relative
and we apologize for ignoring
the rules of space
in creating out own
with our emotions and within our heads

two months felt like forever
until it came to an end
then two weeks
became an eternity
without you there

and I grew older
but the two months
-as a testament
as a test-
those two months
set apart
because of the idea of forever
not despite the regret
not despite the pain in looking back

forgive me, but I don’t understand
and their rearrangement
or how to add another variable
to explain
how I’ve made my own
in terms of emotional space

© lily keller 2001

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