
David and I started dating at the end of June 1998. We met at my prom. He was my friend's date and I guess I stole him. Not exactly the best start to a relationship. We both thought we were madly in love with each other and would be forever. He was my first love. I left for school and it was hard on both on us. It was even harder on him when he realized that back for the summer meant I was leaving again. It was hard. He decided he couldn't do that again, especially not since things had changed between us. I can explain the change - we just weren't much more than friends anymore. I couldn't break up with him because I thought that if I did, I couldn't be his friend. We try to be friends now, but it's difficult. There's a lot of history that's hard on both of us. And he lives with this girl that he was "friends" with when he and I were still dating. Calling and having to talk to her sometimes doesn't make things any easier on me. I'm sad. But I think I'm allowed to be. I don't think you're supposed to just forget about your first love. And it was bound to end - he gave me writer's block!

Šldf 2001
