If someone close to you was in failing health and only by offering one of your vital organs could they be possibly saved, would you do it? Would you risk your life on the chance that another might survive?

I have no problem with organ donation. If by risking my life, you mean giving up something vital to me, no, I wouldn't give up my organ. If they wanted one of my kidneys, no problem. Part of my liver for a child? Not a problem either. I would take that risk of surgery because I believe that since it's possible to save people in this way, we should do it. I also believe that people should give their organs post-humously. It's very important and can save so many lives. I wouldn't give up anything that would change my life dramatically, but one kidney probably won't affect me that much, especially considering that in my family it's usually other things that cause death, like cancer, and old age. If it were possible to save someone, I would take the chance and do it. I would feel worse about having let someone die when I could have done something than I would dying and knowing I did the right thing.
© lily keller 2001
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