The Phase

Oh, the phase. This is one scary little story. It's simple. When I was growing up, my mother always said that it had turned out to be a little uncommon since there was never another one in my brother's grade, on his hockey team... none of that stuff. So apparently fate decided to put people in my life with my brother's name. There was the guy I did drama with and lifeguarded with, who I think may have once had "feelings" for me (and I had a small version for him). There was a guy from work who liked me this past summer and asked me out. Not to my taste. And then there's another guy with the same name from the same place of work that summer I was friends with. And there was the one we'll call Brian. He and I almost began a relationship at least three times. And I can talk to him for hours sometimes and sometimes I want to kill him after five minutes. We don't talk anymore, for reasons I don't even care about anymore.

The phase is just a weird coincidence that only I would think anything of. I mean, it's insignificant. How many people named John/Jon do I know? Then again I didn't get involved with any of them.
Šlily keller 2001
