Dear lily,
If I could change one thing about you, I would make you stay for the summer instead of going away. I know it's not something about you, like a characteristic of your personality or something physical. I want to change that you're leaving and not working with me this summer. I want to get to know you better. I understand that you and I really don't know each other at all. I sent you that email because I wanted to get to know you.
I guess by wanting you to stay I'm asking for another chance to have a relationship. I don't know what you want. You've made that clear by ignoring me. All I know is where you go to school, and what you look like. You feel like I've put you on a pedestal, and all I want is a chance to know who you are.
Stay. Work at the call centre again so we have another chance.
"the annoying boy from my job last summer"

© lily keller 2001

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