rock star dramatist

you've perfected the posture
of slouch,
the scruff of a goatee
and the just overgrown hair

I could fall in love with a rock star
after all

the way the music
pulls you
as a marionette
just your head
and your picking hand
until a good riff
racks your body
with beat
a stronger moment
you'll rock on your toes
where the buttercups grow
or you'll step along to the sound

buttercups grow
between your toes
reflect yellow on your chin
even violet lit
your skin
the colour of cafe au lait

you don't wear a turtleneck
because you always have one
and you roll up the sleeves
of your brown oxford
like my grandfather
when he farms

your voice is a purr
from the front of the stage
from behind
those big frames
you've had for years

© lily keller 2001

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