sad girl
maybe you've got every reason in this mad world
sad girl
showing there is nothing you want to be
rejecting anyone who loves you truly
and holding that expression like it's a duty
sad girl
what is that makes you such a beauty?
- Moxy Fruvous

I don't like being the sad girl. I like the me that gets A's in class and is in love with the world, including some wonderful guy completely deserving of her affections. But I cannot always be that version. Sigh...

This whole thing started with John. I probably shouldn't have been dating him. At the time, I shouldn't really have been dating anyone. It came out in my face in moments like the middle of snuggling. John would look up at me with this mystified look on his face like he couldn't figure out where I came from. He would ask if I was okay, if I was sad, if there was anything he could do. There wasn't. I didn't realize anything was wrong until much later.

Of course, now I fear that every time I start a new relationship I'm going to have deal with the sad girl and her evil influence.

Sigh... I figure when the time is right, I won't be the sad girl. Despite the fact that Jimmy says I need to smile more and be excited more.

Pathetic, huh?
Šlily keller 2001
