the funniest thing

what the hell is soul love?

I've never felt it.
I guess I thought I understood
but why I thought I did then
after a year filled with
break ups and break ups
and nothing between
is as mysterious
as soul love itself

you still think it's funny
he'd say that
to me, of all people
but here I am in
another department
and we have no classes together
just emails and time apart

you still think it's funny
but you hate that I won't watch
"the most romantic movie ever"
because it breaks a promise
that I'm glad I'm going to keep
because I never believed
not for a second
in soul love
but it's rational
and god knows I know about that

after all those break ups
god knows I know about that
(despite never having to break up with you)

© lily keller 2001

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