Week 9 - August 4 - 10, 2001

I can't believe I'm only here for three more weeks. It feels so weird. I understand now why Matt's been getting a little teary-eyed now and then when we have to think about what's going to happen in Halifax. So I have... this weekend, the next weekend (Matt and I are going away, actually, I think) and then the weekend after to be together. The week after that, I head home.

I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone by.

This week has flown by. Last weekend, Matt and I did shopping for his apartment, went swimming, and just had a nice time laying about and shopping. He cooked great stuff for me, and we ate out at the Vietnamese place again. Yum. Monday and Tuesday I worked. It's nice for me to do that now and again. I went to a council meeting where nothing happened, and Boss skipped the next night and the cops were there. Oops. Would've been nice to have been there. Wednesday was production. Bill and I were both frustrated, though it seemed to everyone else it was because Matt was bugging me. No, it wasn't that. I was cranky. And frustrated because Matt was right there. That night we went to Matt's parents for dinner. Matt thinks they really liked me and I was instantly comfortable with Matt's mom, which is nice since the stupid boy's family used to make me so uncomfortable. But Matt's parents are great, and his mom can cook.


Oh speaking of food, on Monday and Tuesday the mother hen's daughter cooked for us so we ate great but odd food - curried shrimp with mango on couscous and meat pie made with some kind of vegetable protein with a spinach, avacado and strawberry salad. Things that the mother hen wouldn't normally make. It was nice for a change.

Yesterday, Matt and I made pasta for dinner and suffered the ridiculous heat. This heatwave is getting old. But it's getting better since it rained this morning.

Last night it was so hot there were pretty spectacular's displays of heat lightning. And this morning there was real thunder and lightning. And it poured, which is good because we really need the rain. I'm hoping it will rain enough today to really break the humidity and bring down the temperature. I'm getting sick of being sweaty all the time. It's giving me a really bad sinus headache.

Nothing particularly spectacular happened in the newspaper biz this week. It's just smae as usual... I hope I don't get too many assignments this weekend, though. But I wouldn't mind this weekend as long as I get next weekend free so I can go with Matt. He has some plans already, and I'm getting anxious to go. It should be fun.

An update on the heart murmur situation: the hospital called yesterday morning to have me come in at 10 a.m. Well. I wasn't here. And they had called my parents in another province first before calling here. Argh. Anyway, they might have called the mother hen and she may have said something so weird that they called them... I wonder... I wonder...

I bet she did say something weird.

Anyway, I called them this morning and I have apparently "missed" my first appointment, which is rotten, but I have one for next Thursday, which is really good since Matt can drive me and be there in case something weird or bad happens, which I doubt will happen.

Oh, and apparently I'm a Mrs according to the nurse. Right.
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