This is a picture of Me doing something with my was taken in my golden ages. RUNSPRING SUMMER 2001...!!
This is some of me best buds at the sundial. It was taken around our summer days. Remember guys? you know...our stoning days up west park. Aww....i really miss those days....and dude's don't forget the bouncy castle...!! any how from left to right Lucy, someone, Martyn rolling something (as always), Wez, Anthony, Nadia, Matt and Tom
Tash after she took picture of Michelle, and Michelle falling off bed in London. This was when it was just the three of us running around London quite litterally "tube surfing".
Mathew, Michelle, Celia and Tash at DappleShade, Don't they look happy, This was our former stoner area till we discovered that scary (yet seductive) police men were checking it out
Lucy and Laura outside Cooperage
Nadia Amy (Frag/Fraggle/Fragowski) and Tom up West Hoe, our former summer hangout.
Wez on his B-day just outside Cooperage...aww...!!