CardCaptors Story

Some of you are wondering,"What is Cardcaptors?" Well allow me to answer that for you. Cardcaptors is a series of cartoons. It shows the adventures of Sakura Avalon and her friends on the quest to capturing all the 52 Clow Cards.

Aiden Avalon, Sakura's father, is an archaeologist. He discovered the Clowbook on one of his digs long ago. On the book is a seal that people with magical powers can open. Aiden, having no powers at all, couldn't open the book. It was Sakura, who stumbled upon the book in her basement, that was able to open it. When she opened it, all the Clow Cards flew out unleashing their powers. Sakura now had to recapture and reseal the cards, so they cannot wreak havoc on the city of Reedington. Keroberos, the Gaurdian Beast of the Seal, awoke from a 30 year nap when Sakura had opened the book. He told Sakura and chose her as the new Cardcaptor.Kero is now in the form of a small flying bear. When Sakura captured the Earthy and Firey Cards, he can transform into his true form. A really cool looking Lion!

A descendant of Clow Reed, Li Showron, moves to Reedington and demands for Sakura to give him all the Clow Cards that she has. Sakura refuses to do so and the two become rivals. Soon enough though, Li realizes Sakura is the choosen one and makes it his duty to assist the Cardcaptor in battle. (maybe he has a crush! <3<3<3)

After Sakura had captured the final card (Earthy), Kero was able to transform into Keroberos. It was now time for Sakura to take the Final Judgement.

A new adventure faces Sakura, she as the new Card Mistress must turn the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. The Cards can no longer get energy from Clow Reed, so they need Sakura's power. When Sakura transform them into new Sakura Cards, they're more powerful. The only bad thing is that after each transformation Sakura loses energy, making her more sleeping in class or at home! When All the cards have been transformed, she will regain all her energy. If she doesn't transform her cards then, well they will become free(once again) and wreak havoc(again); especially the 4 element cards- Windy, Earthy, Fiery, and Watery- they will cause ultimate destruction(again). "So why not turn them into Sakura Cards all at once," you ask. Somebody hasn't been watching their cartoons... Well for one thing, it drains WAY WAY WAY too much energy. Another reason is, if a Clow Card is transformed into a Sakura Card with out having to perform a specific task after transformation it will be confused during the transition. Meaning...FLYING FREE! You guessed it cause destruction...AGAIN.

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