
Name: Madison Taylor
Japanese Name: Tomoyo Daidouji
Birthday: September 3
Bloodtype: A
Favorite Color: Beige and White
Favorite Food: Noodles and Sushi
Least Favorite Food: Green Pepper
Favorite class: Music and Japanese
Least Favorite Class: none
School Clubs: Choir
Favorite Flower: Magnolia, Cherry Blossom
Hobby: Taping Sakura on her adventures and making costumes for her
Wants Most: Video equipment

Madison is Sakura's best friend. She's the only friend of Sakura's that knows of her magical powers. In my opinion, Madison is the most beautiful CC character. She's elegant. Madison always carries her video camera with her so there's not a Sakura moment that she wouldn't miss. She's also the one responsible for Sakura's battle costumes. Madison has a very beautiful voice that's why she's in the school choir. Madison comes from a very wealthy background. Her mother owns a company so, well you know they're all set when it comes to finances.

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