***March 27, 2002***
I GOT HOSTED!!! WOOHOOO!!! I'm makin a new layout and for now i'll leave this site up as i move to the new server. When I'm all done, I'll give you guys the link!

***November 15, 2001***AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!
Hey everyone! I have bad bad bad bad bad news regarding this site. It's been a long time since I've been sayin new layout, I was planning on having it fnished, i mean all i had left were my episode summaries. Unfortunately some idiot had to reinstall my entire computer and lost ALL my WORK!!! AAAGGGHH!!! I've worked very hard and for a long time too!! =O( Anywho, I guess you guys'll hafta wait some more. sorry!!!

***October 09, 2001***
Hey guys... Sorry I know it's been a while since I updated, but there's something wrong my computer! NOOOOO!!! So as for now all I can do is give you bits and pieces of news from time to time. I have some new affiliates and such which I'm sorry guys I'll add you as soon as I get my new layout out. I'll put up my art soon, new chapters to the Mission, and many other things. ANd I'm so sorry bout the problem! **no hit me** Anywho. THere have been new epidodes of Cardcaptors on the WB... FINALLY. not much, but hey it's a start.


***September 15, 2001***
New layout Coming Soon! ***September 15, 2001***
This will be my first News thingy. There was a new episode on KidsWB today. It was called Double Trouble. They also showed Under the Weather today. They'll also be showing Cardcaptors at 3PM EST on Toonami. WOOHOO! I'll have the summaries for that too. I'm looking for hosts, affiliates and I don't really have that many rules, so just email me if you wanna be either. I'm pretty much slow on the site seeing that school and boyfriend things come first in my mind. I'm sure you have the same priorities too. Anywho, My condolences reach out to all the victims and their families who died in the Attack on America. Love you all. Peace love and unfortunately ...War.

Welcome to the Star Realm. I'm Lucca I guess you would call me the webmaster? I dunno about those internet terms but oh well. The reason why I made this website was because I'm a huge Cardcaptors fan. this site is mostly about fanfiction. I'm in the process of writing a fanfiction. Also, I'm making fan art to go with it. I like writing stories if you guys won't notice. This site is pretty basic. I do have rules though. DON'T steal from me. Don't steal this layout and use it for a website for yourself. That's just self-fish. Check the links section and I'll give you a link that'll lead you to where I got the layout. Download it and make sure the layout designer KNOWS THAT YOU DOWNLOADED IT!!!!

ANYWAYS! Like I said, I'm Lucca. I'm a Cardcaptors fan. It's true. I like the show. They're so cute! Maybe I'm too old for the show, but who cares! I like! But to the point. Like I mentioned earlier, I like to write. I hope you like my stories. DON'T STEAL my stories. If you like them and wanna put them in your website, let me know! I'll let you. But otherwise. DON'T!

I like to draw, and I like to read. So feel free to submit me any works of your own. I'll show you full credit. I'll post as many as I can and have the time for. Just check the submitting area for information. Please don't send me anything STUPID in the mail. I do get pissed and if you send something to me, trust me, I know how to spam too and BELIEVE ME- you won't like it. But enjoy the site!

*Another thing. I see all these Cardcaptors websites writing this so i should too. I'll probably get in trouble if I don't and I'm not up for that. I do NOT own CARDCAPTORS Nelvana owns that. Clamp owns Cardcaptors Sakura...not me. Me like I've said before... I'm JUST A FAN MAKING A FAN PAGE!!! *

**ANOTHER THING~!!! The images on this site are NOT MINE! I give FULL CREDIT TO THOSE THAT THEY BELONG TO. ** me only innocent... =^^= But anywho. In the LINKS section of this site are all the sites that I borrows images and information from. Also, those of you who have those button thingies I'll put them at the bottom of my navigation and in the Links page. THANKS GUYS!! **

~This site is dedicated to my little cousin MiMi =O) ~

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