CardCaptors Fanfiction

-The Mission-Chapter One-

"NO!" Sakura sat up sweating. "Kero? I'm late!" She got up and ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She changed her clothes quickly, grabbed her book bag, zoomed down the stairs and sat to eat breakfast. "Good morning Sakura," Aiden Avalon, her father greeted while he placed a plate of eggs and toast before her. She began to inhale her food seeing that she was going to be late once again.
"Mooyie yai," Sakura responded with her mouth full.
"Late again squirt?" Tori asked, "You really need to work on that…I'm off. Bye Dad." He began to walk out the door and get on his bike.
"TOOOO-RIIII!!!!!" Sakura screamed and put on her Roller blades and she said good-bye to her father as she skated out of the house after her brother.
"Hey Sakura! You made it…finally…" Sakura's best friend Madison said.
"Yeah hey…That's not funny Madison." Sakura scowled.
"I'm only playing around." She said. Just then Li walked in the classroom. He came in with a serious look as always. Looking at Li made her remember the dream she had last night. Li was injured in a battle with some stranger. She remembered crying holding Li in her arms, cradling him like a small child. He was unconscious. Sakura remembered being devastated. She had feelings for Li, but she didn't know she cared a lot for him, but she always kept denying it. ~I can't imagine being without Li. He's helped me so much. Without him around, how will I know I'll make it? ~ Sakura thought quietly to herself. She did not know Madison and Li were staring at her asking her if she was all right. Sakura had a sad blank expression on her face and her eyes were watery.
"Uh…Sakura? Are you alright?" Li asked waving his hands infront of Sakura's face.
"Yeah Sakura, are you feeling okay?" Madison asked with a worried look on her face. Sakura snapped out of her thoughts.
"Huh? Yeah I'm sorry! I guess I spaced out a little." Sakura sweatdropped and looked confused. "I'm fine really." The bell rang and everyone took their seats as the teacher entered the room. He began his morning lectures and assignments. Sakura was still lost in thought thinking about her dream. Li was worried. He saw the look on Sakura's face. It was a hurt look. Li cared a lot for Sakura. There's not a thing in the world that he wouldn't do to her. He also has feelings for Sakura, but he doesn't realize it either. He denies it. Something inside worries him and he stares at Sakura from where he was sitting.

Meanwhile Reedington High, Tori and Julian are sitting and talking about their weekend. Some of the girls were staring at Tori especially Ruby. (as always) She had just returned from England with Spinner and Eli. She snuck up behind Tori and gave him a massive hug. She squeezed so hard that he was beginning to turn blue!
"Will…You…GET…. OFF!" Tori cried.
"To-RI! When are you taking me on a date??" Ruby cried.
"When you learn to get a grip…on something else." Tori muttered. The bell rang and class began. The teacher came in holding a briefcase and greeted the class. Then a girl walked in. She had long black hair, beautiful amber eyes, a nice body and a beautiful smile. The teacher introduced her as Lucida Hathaway from the United States. She smiled and waved to the class and sat beside Tori. ~ She's gorgeous Tori thought to himself along with all the other boys in the class except Julian. He was thinking something else. ~I know her from somewhere…but where? ~ Julian questioned to himself. Tori looked at Julian and raised his eyebrows in Lucida's direction. Ruby saw this and veins began to pop out of her forehead. She was burning with jealousy. Lucida knew this and grinned to herself.
At lunch, Lucida jumped in the lunch line while every boy followed her. They all stared at her beauty and made goo-goo eyes at her. Some boys tried to talk to her, but she didn't pay attention. She had one boy on her mind. Tori. She grabbed a lunch and looked for him. At the same time he was looking for her.
"Julian, I have to meet this girl. She's so hot," Tori said looking for her.
"First time you're looking for the girl not the girl looking for you. That's a change," Julian teased gulping down his huge lunch.
"There she is," Tori pointed out, "Look at her, she's perfect." Tori was staring. Lucida saw Tori and proceeded toward him.
"Hi, can I sit with you guys? I'm new," she asked.
"Yeah no prob, I know Tori won't mind." Julian answered. Not minding the glare Tori was giving him. He bit into his sandwich.
"I just don't know anyone here. I feel kind of you know like an outcast." She replied.
"Oh don't worry about making friends here. I know plenty and I mean plenty of guys would looove to meet you. Right Tori?" Julian teased. Tori sweatdropped and smiled nervously as he stomped on Julian's foot. He choked on his sandwich and turned to Lucida and Tori.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to go to the bathroom." Julian got up and left. Lucida smiled at Tori and began to eat her lunch.
"So you come from America-" Tori began.
"Tori, would you um… help me catch up on work. I mean I'm new, and my curriculum in America isn't the same as it is here. So can you help me out?" Lucida pleaded. Her headed was faced down towards her food and her eyes looked up to him in a adorable way. Tori couldn't resist.
"Ofcourse. Library alright?"
"Um…I was hoping for a place more discreet and away from school. I don't wanna get embarrassed and have people think I'm being tutored." She replied. Tori looked at her.
"Uh…. My place alright?" He asked.
"Great!" She replied and smiled.

Back at Reedington Elementary, at lunchtime, Sakura and Madison sat and enjoyed a small conversation while eating lunch. They were making plans to go to the mall when the weekend came. Chelsea, Zachary, Rita and Nikki joined their table and sat down. Zachary was telling another one of his fake stories while Chelsea, ofcourse, smacked him upside the head. Li came with a lunch of his own and approached Sakura and the others.
"Uh, Sakura…can I talk to you in private?" Li asked.
"Sure!" Sakura replied. She got up and grabbed her lunch and followed Li to a nearby tree. The two sat down and Sakura began to remember her dream. ~ It was so real. Who was that person? Why did they attack Li of all people. I'm the card mistress… why Li? ~ Sakura began to get lost in her own thoughts. ~ I knew it. It's me. Every time I'm around she does this. Why? Do I not attract her? Do I bore her and make her start daydreaming? Am I really that boring? ~ Li too began to get lost in his thoughts. A soccer ball hit the tree and the two snapped out of their train of thought.
"Sakura, is everything alright?" LI asked, " I mean, you haven't really been yourself, especially around me. Did I do something to upset you?"
"Huh? What? No ofcourse not." She replied looking nervously.
"Then, why all the daydreaming? Am I boring?"
"No not at all! You're anything but boring!" She said waving her hands frantically back and forth.
"So what is it?"
"Well um…." She began to tell him about her dream. Tears began to form out of her eyes. ~ I shouldn't cry in front of him. I mean what will he think. Wait a minute. Why am I crying?? ~ She stopped the tears and looked down at the floor.
"You just had a bad dream. But it could mean something. We should go as Kero after school, and if we meet up with Julian or Yue ask him too. In fact, I have sensed something, I don't know what it is though. Maybe it's my imagination, but things like this we have to take seriously…" He continued to talk on and on and Sakura began to think some more. Her eyes got more watery. "Sakura? Snap out of it. Stop thinking about it. Why are you crying?"
"Huh? Nothing!" She replied sniffling.
"You're crying for no reason that's rather hard to believe. Come on tell me."
"It's just… That person that injured you. He or She injured you pretty badly. If it can defeat you, if can defeat me just as easily. I don't want that to happen."
"And I guarantee it won't happen. So stop worrying. I'll be there to protect you. I promise." The bell rang and everyone ran back to his or her classes.

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