CardCaptors Fanfiction

-The Mission-Chapter Two-

After school, Tori and Lucida walked back to the Avalon house. Tori walked his bike, seeing that Lucida had to walk also. (It's only respectful and the right thing to do ofcourse. Tip for the guys.) Lucida and Tori were quiet along the way. Tori was acting unusually shy. He's not normally like this. Julian was going to join them, but he figured Tori wanted to be alone with the girl of his dreams. They got in the house and sat down in the living room. Tori began to take out textbooks.
"Oh shoot, I forgot my math book in my locker and that's the one I need help with the most." Lucida replied.
"It's alright, we can share. " Tori replied blushing as Lucida came and sat next to him on the couch. They were really close. He began to explain math expressions and such. Lucida nodded and looked dreamily into his eyes. (I know mushy gushy stuff right now, but it will be better I promise.)
At the same time, Li, Sakura, and Madison were walking home also. Sakura told Madison about her dream on their walk home. Madison suggested that they should ask for advice from Eli. I mean he is a reincarnation of Clow Reed. They all completely forgot about Eli. He of all people should know about the dream or be able to tell them something. When they got to the house, Sakura called Eli and asked for him to come over. She said it was really important. The crew walked into the living room and saw Tori and Lucida sitting on the couch staring all googly at eachother.
"OOPS sorry Tori!" Sakura said running back into the kitchen grabbing Madison and Li.
"Hey I wanted to tape that!" Madison replied holding up her video camera. "I was gonna call it… High School Puppy Dog Love!"
"Who was that?" Lucida asked blushing.
"My sister Sakura. Uh not important. Wait a minute that kid was here." Tori said looking toward the kitchen.
"What kid?" She said looking in the same direction. The two got up and walked into the kitchen and saw Li, Madison, and Sakura looking at Tori.
"Hey squirt, Madison…Chinese Brat…" Tori said glaring at Li. Li glared back and the glaring contest began. Madison, Sakura and Lucida sweatdropped.
"Uh, Hi, I'm Lucida. I'm new at Reedington. I'm in his class and he was helping me with homework. Well we kind of got sidetracked." Lucida said blushing.
"I'm Sakura, Tori's sister and that's my best friend Madison, and over there is Li, another friend of mine. Tori and Li don't really get along," Sakura replied sighing.
"Uh … Maybe I should go. Uh… Tori… I'll see you tomorrow at school." Lucida said and walked into the living room to get her belongings.
"Hold on wait!" Tori replied and ran after Lucida.
"Wow… he has a thing for that one." Li replied, "He finally found a girl that's has some brain power."
"Come on guys, let's get to my room. "Sakura said and the three walked upstairs to Sakura's room. Tori apologized to Lucida and suggested that they start over on the tutoring session.
"Um, to tell you the truth. I really don't need the tutoring. I just…" She began. "Nothing! I have to go!"
"No wait! What is it?" Tori said holding her hand. The two blushed and let go. (Reminds me of the sappy kid stuff Sakura and Li are going through.) Lucida rubbed her neck and looked at Tori.
"I kinda… I have a crush on you. I just wanted to be near you and get to know you. Sorry, I didn't mean to trick you into this." Lucida replied picking up her bookbag.
"No it's alright. I like you too. Ever since you came into the classroom. It was all physical, but then when I started to talk to you and get to know you I started to like you even more." He replied holding her hand once again. While all this was happening. Madison, Li and Sakura were around the corner recording the whole thing.
"So cute!" Madison whispered. Her eyes were looking dreamily at the two. The door bell rang and Li opened the door. It was Eli with Ruby and Spinner. (the trio) The three came up to Sakura and Madison who were still watching Tori and Lucida starry eyed.
"Hey Sa-" Eli began.
"SHHHHHH!!!!!" Madison and Sakura quieted. The three looked at what Madison was taping and Li sweatdropped.
"Hey Sakura, I'm sure we didn't invite everybody over to spy on your brother and his new girlfriend." Li whispered.
"WHAT??!!"Ruby screamed. Tori and Lucida looked over to the staircase and saw Ruby with fists in her hands. Veins were popping out of her head anime style. Steam was literally coming out of her ears.
"What the heck are you doing here?" Tori asked.
"Question is...what's she doin' here?? I was invited," Ruby said looking at Sakura. Sakura just grinned.
"Come on Lucida, let's move to somewhere private where SHE isn't ROOM!" Tori said grabbing Lucida's hand and slamming the door behind him.
" so let's get goin to my room." Sakura sweatdropped.

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