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-Twins-Chapter Two-

At Starbucks, I spotted him in a booth waiting for me. He wore a blue tee shirt and black jeans. He waved and smiled at me. He was scribbling in a red notebook when I reached the booth.
"So we meet again," he said.
"Yeah, watch got there?" I asked as I sat down.
"Nothing really, just doodling, I get bored, I was here a little earlier than I was supposed to be." He answered as he closed his notebook.
"So, Mr. NYPD, what exactly is going on? Oh yeah, I also got a question." I started, "If you're an undercover cop, why did you reveal your identity, isn't it against the rules?"
"How did you know I was undercover?"
"Well, Um, you… I know a lot of cops, if they had to ask someone questions, they'd flip out their badge and interrogate. So I figured, either you're undercover, or just a new cop that doesn't know what he's doing, but I figure that you're undercover because you have to be a real hot-shot cop to be sent from New York to LA especially on such a case."
"Well I am undercover, I was supposed to meet with another cop down here but they never gave me a name or any contact info. So… I thought I'd hold out and start since I know what I'm supposed to do."
"Yeah, but you still didn't answer my question. Why did you reveal your identity to me?"
"I guess I messed up, I fell for your charm."
"Please son what charm, I nearly bit your head off, and you're telling me you fell for my charm? Please."
"It's true. That's how I like my women. I like em tough. Especially you, after hearing the story bout your scar there." He pointed to my leg.
"Yeah well I'm as tough as they come. Like I said, I like my men in uniform."
"Well now, aren't we a match for each other?
"Yeah well, I have a confession to make. I'm also a cop. I'm LAPD baby," I said as I pulled out my badge, "Like you, I'm also an undercover cop, I did my research Detective Henriques. Don't be offended, I have to be like this. LA's very corrupted. Nonetheless, I love it here. So tell me more about this case you're on."
"I'm not supposed to release case information in a public area, but for you anything. Like I said there has been news of a young female in her early 20's. Supposedly she was the one who assisted Corinth Hernandez back when she wasn't locked up. They're saying that she's been trying to find away to get Corinth out of Sector 13. Sources say, this girl can do it."
"Cori Hernandez…"
"You've heard of her?"
"Ofcourse, she did a lot bad back then," Ofcourse, Cori's my sister. That felon is my twin sister. She was the one who gave me the scar on my leg 5 years ago. He can't know. Not until I know what his plan is. Cori is my sister. I'm the only one who's gonna change her, who's going to get her, who's going to kill her.
I remember it clearly. In 4 more days it would be 5 years since that time. It would be my birthday. I was only 20. When I was 13 Cori had run away and committed all these white-collar crimes. Nothing too serious. When we were 18 she was one of America's Most Wanted. All the time people would confuse Cori and I. People would try to turn me in mistaking me for Cori. I put my hair in layers and wore contacts so people could tell the difference. When I was 20 I joined the force and Cori was considered the most attractive crime lord on earth.
No one knew we were sisters. They stationed me at a warehouse downtown LA. I was searching for Cori or one of her cronies when someone caught me from behind and rendered me unconscious. I awoke chained to the roof. For the first time in 7 years I saw Cori. She was wearing a black silk slip dress and Gucci shoes. She had short hair parted to the side. I remember her holding a rusted blade, She was sharpening it and then she placed it over an open flame. Then I felt it. The hot burning rust cutting into my flesh, me screaming in agony, Cori and her crew laughing fiendishly, it was all too much. I screamed and fell unconscious.
In the middle of the night I gained consciousness. Everyone was sleeping except for the one guy who was on lookout. I don't remember what he said because I was still woozy, but he took me out of my chains. Cori woke up, shot him and she tied me to a chair. She screamed something in a foreign language to her crew and I was put in a van. I fell asleep and woke up normal. My leg was still killing me, but I was able to focus unlike the night before. I ripped my way through the roped they had me in and fought my way out. Now that I think of it, I can't imagine how I made it here today. I mean, there were dozens of dozens of men and women there and I defeated all of them? I caught Cori and locked her up in Sector 13 in Alcatraz? The most dangerous and secure prison in all of America is Alcatraz. Sector 13 is the area for really dangerous felons. Rarely do visitors or any personell for that matter enter Sector 13, only for routine check ups and dinners. People enter Sector 13 only when they had to. I don't understand how I was able to get someone like Cori in prison. Cori is dangerous.
After Cori was locked up, that's when everyone at the station found out we were twins. No one had really notice the similarities between Cori and I. Cori had brought a new in me. I was feistier and more dedicated to my work. She was a very sick person. To think that she would do the things that she did to her own flesh and blood makes me sick. I wanted to lock up every person like Cori. I wanted to be the law. I began to kick butt everywhere. Everyone said that I was on fire. They made me take this vacation because for the past 5 years, I've been "overworking" myself.
"Gia? Helloooo? You in there?" Alex asked waving at me.
"Oh sorry, I do that sometimes… I space out. I'm so sorry." I said shaking my head.
"Hey, don't worry, but are you alright?" He held my hand.
"I'm okay, I gotta go ask the station something." I got up.
"Wait! When will I see you again?"
"I have a feeling it'll be soon. Here's my number, you can reach me there if you like." I said as I wrote phone number on a napkin, "I'll see you soon." I left the Starbucks and drove home. I don't understand it. If something like that was to happen, and NYPD already know about Cori who is in the LA area, LAPD must know. Why didn't the Captain tell me? Why? He must know, in fact everyone must know. Something as big as that the whole station must know. Even Milo, at the gym must know! Why didn't Captain Green tell me? Why?

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