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-Twins-Chapter Three-

A young woman in her early 20's visited Alcatraz. She looked part Irish with blue eyes and strawberry blond hair that swooped around her broad shoulders. She was radiant in her red sundress, as she approached the warden. She requested to visit a woman in Sector 13. The warden's eyes popped out. No one has ever visited anyone in Sector 13. He brought the visitor to the visiting room and left to go get the woman in Sector 13.
The warden traveled to the 13th floor. Sector 13 was sealed up pretty tight. Alcatraz has winding paths and is similar to a maze if one were to try to escape. It's merely impossible to get out. To get to Sector 13, the warden had to put in passwords to numbers and numbers of codes to get to the final door, which lead to Sector 13. The final door had a retina test. The warden's eyes were scanned and he entered Sector 13. The rooms were not like normal jail cells. They were not iron bars as doors. Instead the doors that lead to each prisoner had 12-inch thick iron walls and doors. In order to access a cellblock, the warden had to take a fingerprint test. Only certain personnel can access Sector 13 and he was among the very few.
Inside was a young woman in her mid 20's with long brown hair. She was as pale as a ghost and lying on her stomach holding her head up with her hand. She was staring at her sheets when the warden came inside. Inside her cell, she had a small bed with clean white sheets. The room was brightly lit. She was wearing a white robe and stared at the warden. If the 10-inch thick plastic wall weren't between them, she would have killed him.
"You got a visitor. You know the rules," he replied.
"Actually, I don't. I never had a visitor before. Why now?" She replied in a low voice.
"Don't ask me ask the girl. I have the sensors on, if they say that your bracelet ain't on, I can't let you see her. The shackles are over there," he pointed to a small box in the corner of the room. "If they're not put on properly, you'll feel a pinch."
"I hope you know," she said as she snapped the bracelet on, "when I get out of here, you'll be the first to die. You're the only one I know in charge of Sector 13."
"Yeah, yeah, " he said as he escorted her out of the room. Coming from a woman dying Wednesday, he thought.
When the prisoner was taken to the visiting room, the two women recognized eachother immediately. The visitor stood up in awe.
"I'm leavin the room, but don't worry, I'm still monitoring. You got 10 minutes." The warden said as he left the room. The 2 women stared at eachother for a moment. Looking eachother up and down. The visitor sat down and picked up the phone. The prisoner continued to stand and she turned on the speakerphone.
"Corinth," the visitor began, "long time no see, it's been years!"
"Elizabeth, what do you want?" replied Corinth.
"Still the same old Cori. Would you sit down, you're makin me nervous. Pick up the phone while you're at it…please?"
"I've been sitting on my ass all day that it's become jelly, I'd rather much stand now tell me what you want."
"I'm sure you'd rather here it over the phone. It's Etru," Elizabeth said. Corinth picked up the phone. The two women began talking in a foreign language in low voices. At the end of, shall we say, the importance of the visit, Corinth put the phone back on speakerphone. Suddenly Corinth smacked the window that was between eachother.
"It's been 5 years. Too long. Better be there on my anniversary." With that, Corinth turned off the phone and left the room. Elizabeth just stared, still holding the phone. Eventually another warden came and escorted her out as Corinth's warden came for her.

I was running home when my friend Lani caught my attention. She was sitting on a bench and her eyes were red from crying. She was wearing a blue Hawaiian sundress. She had new blond highlights added to her brown hair. It looked beautiful. It also looked like she had a new haircut. They layered her hair and that really brought out her highlights. She looked beautiful.
"Hey aren't you too pretty to be crying?" I asked as I approached her. She looked up and gave me a hug.
"My boyfriend broke up with me." She replied. "I got my hair, make, and everything done to look nice for him. We were planning to go on a picnic today when he broke up with me."
"Oh honey, come back to my place and we'll talk all about it alright?" Poor girl, she loses a guy, a win a guy. What is this crap? Poor Lani, we've been girls ever since kindergarten and we've gone through everything together. Puberty, periods, haircuts, boyfriends, enemies, braces, training bras, false hopes, high school, teen years, false pregnancies, we've gone through it all! Lani and her boyfriend have been together for almost a year. Wednesday would've been their first year together.
We walked back to her house and I tried my all to consolidate her. I was going to contact the station to see if what Alex said was true, but friends come first especially someone like Lani. We've been together for so long. I was at her house for hours. She told me about her newly founded ex-boyfriend and how her life was going. I talked about Alex and my situation. Lani is the only one outside of the station that knows about what happened when Cori captured me. We were both scared if Cori were to escape. We decided to watch movies and I spent the night over.
In the morning, I said goodbye to Lani and walked back to my house. I took a shower and got dressed to go to the station. I had to find out about Cori. I was about to get my keys when I heard a knock at my door. I looked at my security screen and my landlady was at the door. She only comes to me when there's something wrong and I guess this was one of those moments. She was a quiet old Asian woman who I often helped. The apartments are not in the best of conditions so tenants oftentimes complain about problems. It's her job to fix them, but she's old and can't do much and her husband died not too long ago. I always volunteer to fix whatever problem tenants may have. She never comes to me on her own with a tenant's problem. I always go to her. I opened the door and greeted her.
"Gia, how are you?" she asked.
"I'm doing good how about you?" I replied.
"Not too good, some angry tenants, can you please talk to them?" she asked politely.
"No problem." I turned on my alarm and locked my door. We walked down to her apartment.
"I feel bad. I know this is your vacation, but I just don't know what to do. I need these tenants to live here and pay rent or I'll make no money and I won't make it out there."
"Hey, Mrs. Ling, don't worry about it. I'm always here to help." A lot of tenants are having problems in their apartments and it was my job to fix them. For the next few days I was busy repairing apartments. The complaints stopped on Tuesday night and I fell asleep. I had a few messages but I was too lazy to answer, they were probably from friends or family. I can just catch up with them next time I have energy. I need a break.

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