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-Twins-Chapter Five-

I pulled out my gun from my shoulder holster. Alex came closer to me and we heard water running in the background. I signaled him to back me up as I was going to bust into the room. I kicked the door open and saw nothing. The shower was running and I heard clicking and hissing noises. I pushed the shower curtain aside and screamed, "Oh shit! Alex get in here!" Alex came running in.
In my shower was a dead woman in the nude. Her body was soft and purple as if she were beaten to death. She had been dead for long because signs of rigor mortis were already shown. Scorpions clicking and stinging her already deceased body surrounded her. On the back wall of the shower was written in blood:

Dearly beloved,
My body aches for you. If only you were here
To share my pleasure and her pain. Soon…

The blood had dried up in the far wall for the water had not hit it. Alex called the others at the station and I stared at the toe ring on my desk.
"Gia, you okay?" Alex asked as we watched the coroner and forensic pathologists and crime investigators come. Other cops secured the area and Captain Green showed.
"I'm alright," I answered and turned into my closet. I pulled out a briefcase and took out rubber gloves. I carefully picked up the toe ring, making sure I didn't damage any fingerprints. There was a small dot of blood speckled on the ring. It was dry and looked very old. My heart raced again as I thought of what happened that night. I touched the scar on my leg and pictured Corinth cutting me. I saw the blood dripping down her arms, on her dress and dropping down to her feet- onto the ring. The smell of a dead person finally got to me and I threw up.
"Gia! Are you alright?!" Alex asked holding my body and my hair up.
"I'm alright, the smell finally hit me," I replied.
"Hey, it's okay. I know it smells foul, no big thing," he said.
"Uh, Alex, why don't you take her to your place and clean her up eh?" Green asked.
"The ring, check the ring," I groaned and pointed to it on the floor.
"Um, okay, sure…" Green replied.
"Okay, come on Gia," he said and carried me to my car. He drove me back to his apartment. I was so weak. I couldn't understand why. He stripped off my arm holster and laid me down. He gave me water to rinse my mouth out from vomit. I took a shower and thought to myself. What if I hadn't gone to the station? Would I have run into Corinth? Would I have made it out? Would I have stopped her from being free? Would I have imprisoned her again?
I got out of the shower and Alex prepared soup for me. He was on the phone and when he saw me he hung up right away. He proceeded toward me and gave me a hug. I pulled away from him and he asked me if I was okay and what was wrong. He said that I hadn't been myself.
"Myself? How do you know how I am, we've known eachother for like 5 days, not even!" I asked.
"I know enough, you're not usually like this," he replied, " Why don't you tell me what you're thinking so I can make things better."
"I'm fine, I don't need no hot shot cop tellin me what to do." I replied. He stayed quiet and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this. Alex, we're partners now. Nothing is going to change that. I don't build relationships with my partners, you have to understand."
"We met eachother before we were partners," he replied still looking at the floor.
"I know, maybe after this whole Corinth thing is over okay? Look at me," He slowly lifted his head and looked at me with his soft brown eyes. I kissed him. "We have to get to that resort."
We got up and he drove us to the resort in Beverly. In the car I told him what I had saw when I looked at the toe ring. He told me he had seen a toe ring like that before, but he does not remember from where. I told him to think some more on it, but nothing was going through. The memories that I had forgotten five years ago came back to me like a plague. The smell of the corpse and all my thoughts made me sick and I threw up. I never felt so weak in my life. For the past five years, after I had imprisoned Corinth, I had worked nonstop to try to make the world a better place. I was on every important case and I jailed and caught every crook and felon out there. Everyone said I was unstoppable. That's why they had put me on vacation, to take a break from it all.
I contacted Captain Green who was in the forensic laboratory. He had already visited the morgue when I called him. The woman that was in my shower was identified as Elizabeth Daniels. She was one of Corinth's crewmembers. A warden at Alcatraz also identified her. She had visited Corinth Saturday night. The medical examiner stated that she was beaten to death before being brought to my apartment. There were no fingerprints showcased anywhere in my apartment and no signs of how or who tripped my alarm. The blood on the ring was identified as mine and the fingerprints shown were that of Alex's.
I got off the phone with Green and recapped everything he had told me earlier. Alex was in shock. Elizabeth was kind of like her right hand woman and Corinth killed her. That's just sick. Elizabeth was the one who most likely put together the plan on how to get her out of Sector 13 and she killed her. She killed Elizabeth just to scare me. I can't believe my sister would do that. No! She's not my sister! She's not anything to me. That monster is not my sister.
Everything that's going on right now is crazy. I used to live in a corrupted Los Angeles that had criminals, rapists, felons, burglars, and small things! Everyone played their part and knew what to do. I don't know what to do. What if Corinth is at the hotel and I do have to face her? What if I can't make it out? I don't know how to take her on. I'll just have to do my job.
At the hotel we spoke to the same teller who was on the phone with us yesterday. He gave us a spare key into her room. We were early and had to make sure house keeping hadn't arrived just yet. Alex and I split up; he took the stairs and I used the elevator. We met outside what could be Corinth's or one of her crewmember suites. We looked at eachother and crept close to the door and listened for any activity. The door was too thick so we couldn't hear anything. Alex knocked on the door 3 times and no one opened up. I pulled out the spare key and unlocked the door.
The suite was silent. The walls were white washed and had many antiques on the walls. I pulled my gun out and began searching. Alex did the same. He searched the left of the room while I searched the right. No one was there. We began searching through the garbage, bathroom, every drawer and closet and we found nothing of important evidence. I looked at the clothes, but none triggered memories of my sister.
"This probably isn't the place," I sighed, "let's get out of here." I placed my gun back into my holster.
"Are you sure?" Alex asked, "I get the feeling we should keep looking…"
"SHHH!" I quieted him. Someone was coming.

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