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-Twins-Chapter Six-

I heard footsteps right outside the door. Keys jangled and were put into the door. I signaled Alex to follow me onto the balcony. We stayed hidden on the balcony peeking at whomever it is inside. It was a young woman, brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5'7". She was wearing black slacks and a white blouse. Alex and I stared at her, making sure she couldn't see us. I couldn't think. We needed a way out and fast. I looked around, while Alex continued looking at her. She was making a phone call now. Alex whispered that she looked very familiar to him, but he can't remember from where.
She was advancing toward the balcony, still talking on her phone. Alex and I panicked. I looked underneath us. There were solid thick beams. I signaled Alex to follow me. I threw my legs off the balcony and swung them onto one of the beams. I lowered myself underneath and grabbed onto the beam my legs were on. I moved over so Alex could have room to do the same. He was sitting next to me now.
We overheard Helena's phone call underneath the balcony. She spoke about "catching her for good", "getting her revenge", "owing it to him", and many other things. My deductive reasoning let me know she's not a happy camper. She got off the phone and left the balcony for awhile. Alex jumped off the beam and landed on the balcony below. The person occupying the room ran to him and screamed. He flashed his badge and the woman calmed down. What is he Spiderman? He signaled me to come down, and I saw I had no other choice, so I did. We left and went in the car and drove back to my place to think.
At my apartment, everything was clean and the way it was supposed to be. The only thing different was that the room was extremely clean. The door still wasn't fixed. I asked Alex to stay because I didn't feel safe staying here by myself. We talked and Alex tried to think of where he had seen Helena before. I looked through the newspaper for any small crime waves or advertisements that would draw my sister to it.
"Madame Butterfly," I read aloud.
"What?" Alex asked bewilderedly.
"Her favorite play," I thought aloud, "She loves Madame Butterfly." That's right. Ever since we were kids she loved Madame Butterfly. She was into classical theater performances. When we were smaller, she always said that she would like to play the lead part in Madame Butterfly. Father was too busy with work to take her, but my mother always did. They would invite me to go, but I hated the opera so I never went.
After my mother died in a shoot out, Corinth would ask father to take her to see Madame Butterfly. He would shake his head and say that he had to work the night they were performing. It was a lie though. We both knew it was. Father was an alcoholic. The nights when Madame Butterfly was in town playing, he would be sitting on the living room couch, drinking beer, smoking crack and cocaine, and watching pornography. Corinth would be sick and angry. She would have violent dreams at night and scream out, "If I can't, no one can!" Night after night, she'd go through the same dream, until one night, Corinth and I were in 8th grade and we slept over at my grandmother's house. She slept so peacefully.
"Gia?" Alex waved his hands in front of me.
"Madame Butterfly! She's gonna take out Madame Butterfly!" I grabbed Alex's shirt collar.
"What do you mean? How do you know?" Alex asked holding me. I jumped because I got paged Alex got paged too. It was the Green. It was an information call for he put 411. Either he wanted to know information if we had any, or the idea that he has information for us.
I called Green from home and he said that there was a Helena Whitaker looking for me. Alex and I were in shock. Helena Whitaker was the woman who we were spying on. Suddenly Alex remembered that Helena Whitaker used to be a member of Corinth's crew. He told me that Helena quit because she didn't like what Corinth was doing. She and Corinth had been friends for a long time and had followed Corinth through all her crime sprees. When Corinth began to terrorize our nation she decided to quit and join the FBI. Alex and I rushed down to the station and met with Helena. She was wearing the same outfit as before and stared at me.
"You really don't recognize me do you?" Helena asked me. Her hands were on her hips. I shook my head no.
"Well I suppose you didn't get a good glimpse of me when you were in my apartment," she replied now pointing to Alex, "You either."
"How did you know," Alex asked.
"I learned from your sister," she looked at me, "I'm not as dense as her. I know how to watch my back without making it obvious. All the mistakes that she made when people snuck up behind her, I learned from." I stayed quiet and just looked at the ground. I don't like hearing about my sister. "But anyway, I think you can help you try to find her, I know what she's about, unless she changed, but no, she likes the challenge. That's why no one has attempted to kill me. Not like they could if they tried, but that's aside from the point. I know for a fact that she'd be attending Madame Butterfly tomorrow night. She likes balcony seats. I know her so well, I bet you that when you find her, her hair will be short, he'll have green contacts and a red slip dress from… Jean Paul Gautier."
"I already knew she'd be there," I replied.
"What? How?" she asked me.
"She's my sister, I knew my shit about her," I walked away, "Look no offense or anything, I don't need nobody tellin me what I should do, I don't need anybody's help."
"Are you sure because last I heard you went up to her and she wooped your ass pretty bad,"
"Yeah you always remember that, but don't forget I may be the one that got knocked, but I'm also the one who jailed her. So don't go talkin shit if you don't know the whole mother fucking story." I had enough.
"Gee Hernandez, you sure do talk a lot of shit but you don't do much. It's like your bark is bigger than your bite."
"Bite this." I grabbed my crotch and left. I don't need anyone tellin me what to do. Especially one of Cori's ex-cronies. That little girl had some nerve.
I walked to the parking lot and waited for Alex for we had taken his car to reach the station and he was still in there. If he didn't get out quickly, I was going to walk home. I'm not going to stay in or near a place where I'm not going to be respected. The nerve of that girl! She's so suspicious though. I don't know. My officer instincts are kicking in but I don't know if I should do anything about Helena. Afterall, she just wanted to help. She's with the FBI now I know, but still. Corinth is my kill and I wanna do it on my own without anyone's help.
In the distance, I saw Alex running towards me. His eyes were sincere. I can't believe I grabbed my crotch in front of everyone. I was so vulgar. Well, she pissed me off. She may be FBI but she's under LAPD's roof- my floor. You never disrespect an officer like that. It's bad manners. Even still, I couldn't help but feel remorse. Alex didn't say anything he knew how I felt. We got in the car and drove back to my place. Every now and then we'd say something about the case. We eventually parted ways. He went home. I didn't know what to do. It was decided that we were going to go see Madame Butterfly. I need a time.

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