N   T   R   O   D   U   C   T   I   O   N ....

My name is MaR©  i'm a high school student in Sydney in the Inner West area, finally finished my homepage thank fuckin goodness! i hope you like it i put so much effort in to it (pfft) working out every single letter which will suit which. Well i'd like to tell ya about me.....i'm 17 years old, currently in year 12 ...yes the stressful year of school! i'm studying most "easy" subject such as Art, Science, Maths, English, Information Technology and Design Elements as a VET Endorsed Course.....its a JSSTAFE thing which you can finish year 12 and do the HSC with a tafe course in your hand.....i've completed my Computer aided design course last year which was basically Artchitectural programs used ...well after my HSC i would want to go to "Uni" (i doubt it) or TAFE to do a graphic design course at Enmore and also i am currently doing Amateur Athletics every Saturday which is pretty kewl =) cos i luv athletics it gets me out of trouble and good way to keep fit, i train most tuesdays and thursdays if i aint busy, but if i dont accomplish being an "Olympic athlete" ( ooh those two words sounds good=P ) i'll have follow the pathway becoming a Graphic Designer or any occupation that has Design as its' basis (wish me luck believe me i'll need it!) *grinz*

I am cuRRently living with my fokes..my dad and my step mum i have two sisters one is in America with his navy boy husband =P and my other sister is a nurse and lives in the city area (which they are on this site aswell), i get on pretty well with both of them, we never fight it's maybe because wher not living together *cheekily grinz*
I'm into the usual stuff like  shopping, socialising, sports, sex (ooops my fingers slipped) =) hehe *lol*and Etc.

Well this is my first site so bear with me i'm only a beginner i'm not very good with computers i only chat on here im a more of an art/Athlete type of bloke, so to build this site ive only used netscape composer oh well =) that shows a lot about my HTML knowledge =P

WeLL if you'd like to get in touch with moi please feel emailing me on:

<Marc_Campano@hotmail.com or my icq number: 48031927 >

I am sometimes online at around 9-10pm but because i am in year 12, i am not always online now like i used to, well i try to forbid myself anywas