Friends Page . . . . . .


.......friends.......dont ever let them go.........

This page are someof my maaaaattttttttteeeees here on the net *cough* well i hope they bloody are!! without them i wouldn't enjoy chatting here, they are all nice to me in their own way...but some can be really bitchy and some talks nice to you then after a minute they turn into a really rude Queen! but their the ones that aint here =) Some of myfriends have contributed a lot of how i see things in life they have given me so much love and *cough* bitchiness =P LOL but without them i wouldn't be as of a good person as i am today =) I Love you All   !

 "Michael is from Queensland, he's one of the guy here that knows me pretty well and the person that i will never forget,he's a kind of guy that would pretty much get along with anyone his friendly, humorous, caring, undescribableand a guy who is VERY hard to find. He to me is a very good friend and i will never forget the times we had together, but it's such a bummer he's in Queesland and i'm here in Sydney =( i miss the guy but anyways we talk here on irc/icq and isnt he cute here =). I Luvs ya hun=P    "

" This is Mario, Mario is a very sHy boy or a quite boy.... what ever u would consider him at times, but when you get to know him he'd pretty much talk a lot =) hehe i think? *crosses his finger* well he is 17 yrs old same as me currently in year 12, we go to a school nearby each other which is pretty kewl i don't have to travel far to meet him =P and he's a type of person that i feel comfortable talking with.. heres a hint for you to make him talk =)... think music! *hint hint* think Aguilera!  "

"This is Greg, a 24 year old guy from Sydney he's a pretty nice guy one of the person that i enjoy talking to, he has helped me out heaps when i needed it so bad, he's a person that would always be ther for anyone when you need him he's not a very bitchy bloke, pretty straight acting actually  but Greg ithank you so much for everyhing that you've done for me i love you for that and doesn't he remind you of Ian thorpe  LOL *grinz*  "

"This is Andy he's a mate of Michaels that came to Sydney, he too is a VERY nice bloke.. friendly caring and fun to be with =) hehe...and a person that i consider as a good friend, i dont know him pretty well but from meeting him and speaking to him here, he's a pretty much a sweety. Andy also has his own Information Technology business!  at the age of 18! =) *$$$keching ke ching*  "

 " This is Blaise, a 16years old from west Sydney, i have known him for a long time now, me and him get along pretty (at times) well we joke a lot, me and him are never serious so which is good and it's like we hate each other when we talk but at the end its all good =) "

"This is Jase, he's a 16 year old guy from the Penrith City Region, Jase is good to get along with and humourous as well, i've known him for a while now, he's pretty much a lovable guy i just wish he finds a bf  soon cos he is just too much of a sweet guy and always in a happy mood =)aren't u Jase  =P "

This is Ben he is a 19years old guy from the City of Liverpool, his a very *SWEET*guy to talk to here and in real life =) his currently studying communnication (*boring*) *LOL* he's the type of guy that is very easy to get along withcaring,thoughful,smart,well dressed and cute, anyways i've known Ben for a while now, i've met him a couple of times went to the movies with him and jase.. and we saw the non other kung foo fighting kick ass women on the planet =) ...."ChaLies' Angels" !!  "

"    This is Simon, Simon is a verynice....oh wait! let me rephrase that Simon is Outragiously funny!  he's a type of guy that's good to get along with, cos of his humour. Simon is also a singer =) and a very great one indeed and also he works out! =9.Simon also has this cute PUSSY called Toby whom i love to play with it can be really cuddly but most of the time it just scratches you when u likely expect me on this one =P MeeaaaaaouuuuuuRrrrrr. And Simon GooD Luck on yer pathway of becoming a star remember our deal) 50% goes to me =) hehehe lol kidding oh yeah he also has asingLe coming out so watch out for that! =)     "

"This is Justin (right), Justin is a 17 year old guy from Mt Druitt Sydney which lives just near Jase =P. Justins probably one of the person that i met and which i didnt get really nervous talking to, maybe it's because when i met  Justin i was with Jase which they already knew each other before. Justin is a pretty nice guy to talk to =) tall, blonde and cute ......oh yeah. his taken =P" .

"This is NeiL his from campbeltown Sydney his 25  he's one of the guys on here that makes me laugh so much and he's the person that i look up to =) hehe... wells he's prettymuch the normal average guy  correction make that not so averange male  =P bloody poof! Anyways hes smart...CUTE with a capital C! if u need a Laugh talk to him =) Neil ya cute cunt u =P"

This is Anthony a 17yr old stripper from  Bega! heheh! =) hehe...with Anth u  probably could talk about anything and everything a very nice guy.I dont know whats wrong with me but whenever anth types something i find it really cute i just dont know why! =) "


 " This is Justin, Justin is from Surry HiLLs, Sydney, he's sweet and funny and one of the  guys i realy get along well with on irc he's pretty much aggrees on anything =) which i  really love =) well Justy is 25. His the person that i want to be when i grow up =) a WEb designer! or Graphic designer=)=P "

" This is James =)  the guy that i can trust most and one that i enjoy being with he curently has a boyfriend (bloody cunt not happy with that at all!!!! ) , he's one of the guys that understands me well what i like and what i don't like,The other good thing about him is he a Leo  another sex oriented sign  =) oh yeah James you have such cute perky arse =) "

" This is James' loved one =) stephen aka Billabong' he lives in the poshy area of Edgecliff
! he's a 21 year old guy, works in the fields of I.T what else is ther to say but....him and James are such cute couples "

" THis is Danny aka Dannyboy a 24 year old guy from WEst Sydney, is a very nice guy outgoing and young at heart =) he's a very understandle guy one of the people who i love to flirt with and joke around with =)oh yeah he's currently single =P "

" This is arejay .......-no comment-"

This is Grant an 18 year old guy from Caloundra, Queensland one of the longest guy i've known on here =) and eventually met him when he came down here for the Mardi Gra =) aguys that i would have fun going out with, we both have somerthing in common and thats.....a fond of jewelry =) Oh this is another Queensland guy whom i can't wait to see again, i miss this guy sooooooooooo much if only we lived closer, but thanks to the net we catch up most of the time  luv ya bubs =) *hugs kisses fuXXX*

This is Craig aka MtDruiTT18 as u can see his nick says his location =P Well what is ther to tell about him.... he is a very nice guy, huggable and kissable but we wont go ther =P anyways i dont know he's relationship status i could never tell whether he is telling the truth or not *grinz*

This is Kahn a 17 year old from Woop Woop Yobbo city Adelaide i met him on this years Mardi Gra at maccas after the march he is a very nice guy to talk to very hillarious and has a lot a guts for a poof  =P I remmeber him from what he said to a guy who was lookin him up and down "Yes i am gay and yes im wearing a vynil ya fuckin Leb! " Kahn u gutsy Queen u =)

This is Steve the person who took my pics! =) well he's pretty much a very straight acting bloke! VERY! =) his a surfer and basically great to talk to =).....if u wanna learn how to surf, he's the man to teach ya =) he'll teach u EVERY move =P hehe *get it get it* =P
well Steve thank you again! for taking my pics! =)