Bits of ev3ry facts . . . . . . . .

-i like to dance while in the shower =P
- i dont smoke or consume alcohol ( well on a regular basis its ok =P
- i have never taken any illegal drugs
* i have asthma
* running relieves my stress
- ive been training since i was 14
- i've only joined amateur athletics in the year 2000
* i brush my tounge when i brush
* my fav food is sushi
- i had pets when i was in year 10 - 3 dogs
* i have two sisters
* i have a step mother
* my mother died of cancer
* i eat a lot of healthy food
* i am very shit @ maths
* i do well @ Art,Sports and english subjects
* i'm circumsized =)
* i cried when it was year 6 farewell
* i was the first one to dance with a girl in our year 6 farewell
* i love wearing sandals
* i am the shortest in my year oh maybe 3rd shortest (fucking heaight!)
* i was an Aerobics Instructor when i was in primary school
* i got my first job from my smile =)
* i love reading memoirs of people
* i love to help out others when they need it
* i tripped over a hurdle on the Sydney Metro. region athletics carnival infront of a MASSIVE crowd, even though i came last our coach told me that i did well =P
* i used to play tennis for school from watching a lot of tennis on TV and imitated Anna Kournikova that sexy slut! *flicks hair* *rolls eyes*
* i wear gel most of the time
* i was born in australia
* i have a spanish/ Filipino background
* im into urban clothing
*i got into trouble when i was in year six for sexually touching a girl, well i did it because i was really stupid =) well it isn't my bloody fault she's so hot! what can i do i'm a guy =P.. the rest of the boys from school wanted her too.
* i've walkin out of class because i was mentally disturbed from having a broken heart.
* i love the colour white and red.
* i have a very long tounge, i can touch the bottom of my chin =P
+ i am a clubbing type person whenever im in a dance club i get into a very horny aura =P
* i do fashion parades when i'm by myself @ home
* i love going to the movies and meeting new people
 *im a very misterious person, you never know what i'll do next.
+ I have a dimple on my right cheek when i smile.
+ I sometimes use vaseline to style my hair.
+ i carry a mirror in my wallet.
+ i love swmming
+ i have a small chicken pox mark near my nose just bottom left of my eye.
+ i am mr right
+ im sometimes a quiet person..and an observer then when i finally understand the person thats when i become a bit annoying
+ i go shopping right away after i get payed from work.
+ I'm short (165cm tall)
+ im a class clown well i try to be, wihtout moi =p everyone wil be bored =P
+ i have a lisp
+ i am into surfy brands
+ A girl nicknamed me "shrimp" when i was in year 4 which lasted for 4months!
+ I buy fruit buns every morning before going to school (my school mates think i own a bakery shop because of this)
* i like hangin out oxford St with my sis and have go to cafes ther specially at that skanky place called "The Californian" =)
 I am very clean in appearance i never like to look like a normal being =) i have to always have to stand out! *typical
* The most memorable quote ive heard was from my coach from running ...." You've already got the gold its just waiting for you to claim it, u only need a little boost to do that "
* I have a disruptive family pshyco more like it......but not all but just my stuffed step mother who never lets me out thats why im on this world of the internet but if she wasnt in my life i think i'd be enjoying life and never would have spend my time chatting on here
* i feel like shit while im writing this entry so im just gonna blad on about anything and everything =)
+ i dated a girl in primary school for 5months but then she dumped me for a diffrent guy =P thats probably why i turned like this
* i love the mardi gra one of the enjoyable days of peoples gay guys act like what ever they want not caring about other peoples views on them
+ i love to sometimes look gothic..colouring my nails black wearing a black bracelet with silver studs gotta love that bracelet.
+i plucked my eye brows for the first time 5-5-01
+ i fall inlove ( well my interpretation of love) in year 8 with a mate from school.
+10 may, i ate my first FUYU.i think thats how u spell it its this orange fruit which kida looks like a tomato but ORANGE =P and taste similar to Paw paw...i lovem!