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The Shortest Quiz Ever

1. You'd be best described as...

...somewhat anti-social and definitely shy. A good confidante and loyal friend, but you hang out in smaller groups (of one, usually) and spend a lot of time on solitary activities.
...someone who likes smaller groups, but still feels more comfortable with close friends than being alone. You enjoy social activities, but are usually somewhat reserved, and not the life of the party.
...cute, charming and easy to get along with. You don't like being alone, and are sometimes insecure, though nobody would ever guess. Mostly into shallow pursuits, and go to a lot of movies, but never read the book.
...somewhat of a slacker. Laidback attitude, sloppy clothes, never excitable, but posessing a certain charm as well. Most people like you, but though you could probably have friends, you don't do much social interaction, since the traffic is low in your parents basement, plus the smell is intolerable. You philosophise a lot, but never do any kind of rigorous study.
...quick tempered, but quick to make up as well. People don't wanna piss you off, but you're mostly a nice person, and can be a lot of fun. You like blueberry pie.

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