Your hand rests on my leg.
Warmth so strong is
Permeating through my jeans.
Spreading through my core.
The undefined beauty in simplicity.
Can be located in your eyes.
As you sputter out words
Of life's mysteries as we drive.
I try to not misconstrue
The words as they cascade.
Plummeting and tumbling off your lips.
Profanities fueled by passion unafraid.
I'm distressed and uptight about
Innumerable differences, lack of experience.
Who will I be compared to?
My nervous laugh defines this unwanted doubt.
The lights turn red, the car stops.
Your hand tightens on my leg.
Issuing charges of warmth throughout.
Your eyes lock on to my face.
Silence falls as your words cease.
You move in closer and lips collide.
Green lights return us to reality.
Embaressed smiles and I feel at ease.
No longer enveloped in my distrust.
The unclear attraction of imperfection.
The unclean addiction of nicotine.
The uncertainity of the unbelieving.
Unwanted doubt evolves into essential possibilities.
My Hesitancy begins to fade as I focus on
The warmth of your hand and
The beauty that is resting in your eyes.
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