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Alrighty, behold, people, the biggest section of the site~!

"Hey, my site is very small" ^_^x;

Oh, right.
The pix here (ok, ok, I admit I stole them)
The credits are at the Rants page.
Hey, but I stole them alright, and I edited them,
making them look MUCH nicer :P
So, if you do take them n put em in ur webby,
Do gimme a link! Please?

Awwww Matt looks so cute! Why so worried? Matt is a damn good musician Why is more ter say? Hes such a damn good musician! Matt looks increasngly *evil* in this pic~~~! Gives me a couldn't care less look Matt is feeling moody - AGAIN! What brand of toothpaster do u use...? How come your teeth is so white...?

No more :P