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Mel's webCrib

Blog Part II

Index: Entry 1:

10/10/07 5:59p

 The Beginning -

Friday 10/12/07 9:57pm: It's a shame how family, friends and associates don't give-a-shit enough to respond or contribute. This USA family and social development is, and will be, it's own demise.

But far from me to have an opinion to be taken seriously, as I do not stand up to the expectations or standards of others to have one. Not in the position to understand the well-to-do or in their race-horse-blinded-personal-perception of doing what is right to get by, because I'm not an equal. Nor in the position to understand those whom are indigent and/or rely on outside sympathy/empathy/understanding for mere survival, because I'm not considered an equal with them either. But I HAVE lived on both sides, and understand how each draws their conclusions based on part of their oblivious knowledge of the knowledge of those they criticize and whom criticizes them.

'Humanity' is still not understood in this year 2007 of the 21st Century. Life (society/technology) is moving much faster than the maturity of the human race.