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Unholy Devastation Festival

Nov. 2 & 3, 2001

Rube's; Harvey, IL

This festival was to have been a benefit show for Chuck Schuldiner of Death, but due to the events that ocurred on September 11, the promoters decided that the money raised should go to the NY Rescue & Relief fund instead.

After arriving late to the show around 8 p.m., it was to have started at 6, I found out from Chuck of Reprobation that the show didn't start yet. The first band, Anal Autopsy were waiting for their drummer to arrive. I headed to the bar. They then started to play around 8:30. They didn't sound to good so I drank a picture of beer during their set. Next was Enmortem who were a little bit better, but I stayed in the bar and had another pitcher, this place promotes heavy drinking. Next up was Enforsaken and they sounded pretty good to me. I'll be seeing them again when they open up for The haunted/Witchery.

Bring on the gore! Reprobation played next and played a set consisting of songs from their album "The ColoUr Of Gore" as well as some new songs. Fucking great band.

I Didn't stick around for Blood Stained Dusk. Maybe next time.


Saturday I got there just As veneficum were going on stage. They play European style black metal with keyboards.

Next up were Nachtmysticum, who were playing their first gig and they sounded pretty good to me. All decked out in their corpsepaint.

They were followed by Manticore. I didn't care for them at all and thought they played too long of a set.

Next were CorpseVomit, who kicked ass. Fucking fast death metal.

Now it was time for the mighty Disinter to step up to the plate. And they delivered the goods except for the vocals being too low. Played a set of old songs along with new ones from the new album "Demonic Portraiture" As always they performed ATG's "Blinded by Fear"

Great fucking show, had a good time meeting Melanie, Chuck, and Wildfyr.

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