The English Stage Company









by William Shakespeare


Directed by William Gaskill




The Cast


King of Scotland



John McKelvey

Sons of Duncan



John Castle


William Ellis

Generals of the King’s Army



Alec Guinness


Gordon Jackson




Maurice Roeves


Bernard Gallagher


Donald Gee


John Nettles


Lennard Pearce


Terence Davies

A Sergeant……………………………………………………………….


John Shepherd

Son to Banquo



Richard O’ Callaghan

Old Siward…………………………………..…………………………..


John McKelvey

Young Siward………………………………..………………………….

William Ellis

A Doctor………………………………………..………………………...

John Rae

An officer attending Macbeth



Toby Salaman

Son to Macduff



Sean Farrelly

A Porter……………………………………………………………………


John Shepherd

An Old Man ……………………………………………………..……...

John Rae

Lady Macbeth…………………………………………………..……….

Simone Signoret

Lady Macduff………………………………………………..…………..

Susan Engel

Gentlewoman Attending Lady Macbeth…………..……………..

Gillian Martell

Three Witches………………………………………………………..…

Jomoke Debayo, Zakes Mokae, Femi Euba




Macbeth at the Globe 1610 from Dr. Foreman’s book of Plaies

(as written)


In Mackbeth at the glob, 1610, the 20 of Aprill, ther was to be observed, firste, howe Mackbeth and Bancko, 2 noble men of Scotland, Ridinge thorowe a wod, ther stode before them 3 women feiries or Nimphes, And saluted Mackbeth, sayinge, 3 tyms unto him, haille mackbeth, King of Codon; fr thou shalt be a kinge, but shalt beget No kinge, and then said Bancko, what all to mackbeth And nothing to me.  Yes, said the nimphes, haille to thee Banko, thou shalt beget kinges, yet be no kinge.  And so they departed and came to the courte of Scotland to Dunkin king of Scotes, and yt was in the dais of Edward the Confessor.  And Dunkin bad them both kindly welcome, And made Mackbeth forth with Prince of Northumberland, and sent him hom to his own castell, and appointed mackbeth to prouid for him, for he wold Sup with him the next dai at night, and did soe.  And mackbeth contriued to kill Dunkin, and thorowe the persuasion of his wife did that night Murder the kinge in his own castell, beinge his gueste.  And ther were many prodigies seen that night and the dai before.  And when Mackbeth had murdered the kinge, the blod on his handes could not be washed of by any means, nor from his wifes handes which handled the bloddi daggers in hiding them, by which means they became both much amazed and affronted.  The murder being known, Dunkins 2 sons fled, the one to England, the other to Walles, to saue them selves.  They beinge fled, they were supposed guilty of the murder of their father, which was nothinge so.  Then was Mackbeth crowned kinge, and then he for feare of Banko, his old companion, that he sould beger kinges but be no kinge him selfe, he contried the death of Banko, and caused him to be Murdered on the way as he Rode.  The next night, being at supper with is noble men whom he had bid to a feaste to the whch also Banco should be come, he began to speak of Noble Banco, and to with that he were ther.  And as he thus did, standing up to drinke a Carouse to him, the ghoste of Banco came and sate down in his cheir bhind him.  And he turning a-bout to sit down Again sawe the ghoste of Banco, which fronted him so, that he fell in-to a great passion of fear and fury, Vtteringe many wordes about his murder, by which, when they hard that Banco was Murdered they Suspected Mackbeth.


Then Mackdove fled to England to the kinges son, And soe they Raised an Army, And came into Scotland, and at Dunston Anyse overthrue Mackbeth.  In the meantyme while macdove was in England, Mackbeth slewe Macdoves wife and children, and after in the battele mackdove slewe mackbeth.


Observe Also howe mackbethes queen did Rise in the nith in her slepe and walke and talked and confesed al and the doctor noted her wordes.


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