If Dr Seuss had written 

And so with paddles in our hands
we floated South to foreign lands.
But Boromir, he tried to steal
my precious ring - the rotten heel.

I went to Mordor with no friends
While Boromir, to make amends
Died while fighting orcs so numerous
I will not try to make this humorous.

But, much to my delight and glee
Sam-I-Am had followed me
But so had Gollum, as we found
once we got to solid ground.

We walked on logs
We walked through bogs
We walked in fens
and wooded glens.

We walked until at last we came
To a high pass with a bad name
We did not know that deep inside
A monstrous spider tried to hide.

But we escaped, as you have guessed
Though Gollum was an awful pest
At last we came to Orodruin
With Cracks of Doom amid its ruin.


And when at last it was my job
To take the ring and gently lob
it down into the Cracks of Doom
I quickly looked around the room

I said "I really like this ring.
I like it more than anything.
I will not throw it in this pit
Though Gandalf throws a hissy-fit."

But I did notice Gollum linger
He bit off my own ring finger
He took my ring then stepped back
right into the flaming crack.

So I went to my home to rest
until I tire of the West
And though they think I'm the hero
Sometimes I think "I'm just a zero."

I did not want that ring of gold
I did not want it - I'm not bold
I'm just a hobbit, as you see
Who'd never ventured East of Bree.

    END   --Anonymous