Humor Zone

This page contains some of the more humorous aspects of religious gay bashers.

Everyone has met the gay basher that you can not help but to laugh at. Be it nonstop cliche's or complete ignorant stupidity you cant help but to smile at them and wonder if there is a 12 step program that may be beneficial to them.

Being gay and living with intolerance can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and self-esteem issues. But they say laughter is the best medicine. And this is my kind of therapy.

Play Basher Bingo

Read up on some forbidden Bible lore, the stuff they never taught you in Sunday school.

It's finally here, MORE Forbidden Bible Lore.

Internet Urban Legands

My Parody of the Hovind Reward

The Bible Says So...

A Parody of a Jack Chick Tract about Homosexuality

A Parody of a Jack Chick Tract about evolution and creationism.

some humorous links

North America's BEST Christian
your average baptist church
a wonderful parody of the phelps site
Dr. Laura Parody Page
