Miss Sandy Fagina's Homepage

Hi, thank you for coming to my webpage. My goal is to offers support to members of the gay community that are facing religious conflicts.

Many homosexual and bisexual people face harassment and ridicule, the majority of this ridicule is religious nature, with cliche phrases like: God hates gays, you cant be gay and christian, Sodomites, and Christ will give you AIDS.

My site will help those that have been hurt by these remarks. I attempt to shed some light on the matter and hopefully point out the insanity and complete stupidity of those remarks.

Click on the following links to visit the various parts of my website.

Mock Interviews -- This is where you can read my interviews with some of Americans most heard homophobes.
Rants -- This is where you can read the opinions of myself and others on various gay christian topics.
Humor -- This is where you can view some of the more humorous stuff on the website.
Volunteer -- This is where you can find out how YOU can help Miss Sandy improve her website.
Bookstore -- This is where you can check out books about related topics to my website on Amazon.com

Plese sign my guestbook, it will give me feedback so I can further improve my site for it's visitors!

Here is my discussion board, see what the current topic is and leave your two sence. Thank you.

My Favorite Web Sites

The Best Bible Version on the Net
A great website run my by friend Liz
another page by Liz
Info and resources on numerous religious issues
A great website run by my friend Cory
Things Creatonists just HATE

Email: dustin.h@morocco.com