Jack Chick Interview

I recently had an online interview with Mr. Jack T. Chick, the guy that makes those amusing and hilarious Bible tracts. However, my interview had to be conducted online seeing that Jackie boy has some strange phobia of society, and my being a lesbian, something about Satan and the Catholics and a war on Christianity followed by some stuff from Revelations. I wont get into it, it was all pretty incoherent and lacked all transition. I just granted his wish and we did a little interview through the Joys of Yahoo Messenger.
But, this interview became so vast (Jack has written so much drivel about so many things) I had to put it into three separate parts. A part about his anti gay rhetoric and lies, one about his strange creationist beliefs, and a final one addressing his paranoid delusions about a Catholic/ Satanic conspiracy.

Part One: Homosexuality and Anti Gay Lies

Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Hello Jack. T. Chick. It's wonderful that you would allow me to interview you.
J.T.C.: Yes, I figured I should allow the Christian public to hear my stories.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Do you understand I ask hard hitting questions and usually the person I interview ends up a complete laughing stalk?
J.T.C.:I have Jesus on my side and I am not afraid of you.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:OK, Lets begin then. How do you feel about the statements that you are a very prejudice and hate filled person?
J.T.C.:Those remarks are not true. I am a Christian and I want to save people from HELL. It's better to be offended then to go to Hell.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes, but you have made a habit out of offending people. In fact, I doubt you can witness to anyone without at least once attempting to drag them through the mud.
J.T.C.: That is not true at all. I witness cause I love. If someone is offended that is their guilt for their sin.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yeah, OK, whatever, Let's examine the evidence shall we. On your web site you have 125 different tracts that can be ordered. Out of these 125, the vast majority are in some way offensive. A good 90% of your tracts have someone going to Hell at the end. You have 4 that denounce Islam (your site also contains an essay about the September 11 attacks on the WTC where you do nothing more then denounce Islam), 8 denounce Catholicism or blame the Catholics for something such as the Holocaust or trying to destroy the Bible Four of them are against Halloween where you claim that it's all about tricking people into human sacrifices, (you also have a discontinued one where you say Christmas is Satan worship despite the fact on Christmas THOUSANDS of Christians pray to God, worship the birth of Christ, and sing praises to GOD -- Not Satan). Two are somewhat anti Semitic showing Jews to follow a false religion and destined to HELL, 5 of yours are about creation of the flood of Noah where you claim evolution and anti creationism beliefs are atheistic and will lead one to Hell. One is anti Jehovah witness, another is anti free mason, 2 are anti Hindu/ reincarnation, one is anti Buddhism, another is Anti Mormon, another is anti pagan where you claim all pagans or Wiccans sacrifice humans, and you even have one that is anti native American spiritual beliefs. One tract is anti rock music (Christian rock music I may add) another one is advocating school sanctioned prayer and teaching Christian doctrine in public schools. You also have two that are anti-abortion. And then, for all reasons I find absurd you have one that is against the GAME dungeons and dragons claiming it to be occult, heathen, and of course Satanic, you even have not one but TWO that show the evils of communism (blaming it on the Catholic church of course). And let us not forget the three anti gay tracts where you insistently portray homosexuals as violent, hostile, and murderous. It seems that the only things you like happen to coincide with yourself.
J.T.C.:All of them show the message of God.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Those aren't the ONLY tracts you have done is it?
J.T.C.:No, I have done others that are no longer offered.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: And why???
J.T.C.:Because, people didn't like them.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: As I recall some of them were just down right racist.
J.T.C.:That's not true.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Actually yes it is, one of your tracts was so full of racial stereotypes practically no Christian publications wanted to carry it.
J.T.C.:Many Christian publications don't carry my work. They have been corrupted by the media.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Well, that's one theory, but the standing theory is that your work is corrupt, not the media. J.T.C.:My work is not corrupt.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well, at least you think something isn't corrupt, that's a start. But seriously, the concept for these tracts came from communist brain washing techniques and those little pornographic comics they sold in the 50's. Correct?
J.T.C.:Well yes. But I used the idea to do GOOD.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well isn't that Nice. Let's move on. You have produced three anti-gay tracts. Correct?v J.T.C.:Correct.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:And everyone dwells on your account of Genesis 19, Sodom.
J.T.C.:Yes, Genesis 19, the story of Sodom clearly shows God's position on homosexuality.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Isn't it true that the word homosexual, homosexuality, gay, etc... Never appears in the account of Sodom?
J.T.C.:Well, yes
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:So why do you insistently slip the word into your tracts. In the verse the Homosexuals... Here the Homosexuals... and Lot said to the Homosexuals... Your whole tract is based on the assumption that there were some gays in Sodom.
J.T.C.:There WERE gays in Sodom, They wanted to have sex with the Male Angels.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:If a lady wanted to have sex with a male goat I wouldn't consider her straight.
J.T.C.:What? That's sick. And it's not heterosexuality, it's perversion.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:So, when a man wants to have sex with something that isn't human but is male, that constitutes as homosexual?
J.T.C.:Huh. They wanted to have sex with the men.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Correction, they wanted to have sex with the ANGELS. What men??? There is no reference to wanting to have sex with any men.
J.T.C.:They THOUGHT they were men. They where homosexual. And that is why God destroyed the city.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:The rest of the Bible seems to say something different. What about Ezekiel 16:49? J.T.C.:What about Jude 7?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:We'll get to that one dear. Seriously, you cant just ignore a verse and quote something different. And your precious Jude 7 just helps show that the residence of Sodom wanted to abuse ANGELS, not have sex with men. Beastiality dear, Beastiality.
J.T.C.:You are reprobate like the Bible says.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: As I recall Paul said Roman pagans were reprobate in Romans 1, that chapter does mention three times that the people didn't worship God but instead idols, animals, or human images.
J.T.C.:Sodomites will burn in Hell Miss Sandy.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Lucky for me I don't live in the city of Sodom.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Sodomite... someone from the city of Sodom. I don't live there, in fact, it was destroyed, remember. Any why do the gays in your tract always have afros or beehives, or jewelry?
J.T.C.:To show that they are gay.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:4,000 years ago???? ILMAO, They didn't have tinted glasses and beehives back then. Nor big earrings. No Self respecting gay man would wear that anyway. No self respecting WOMAN would either.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:It's an acronym, it means I'm in laughing so hard I feel light headed.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:OK, Let's move on. I want to discuss something else.
J.T.C.:Why, you don't like hearing God's word?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Spare me the hypocrisy.
J.T.C.:What hypocrisy?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:"Don't you like hearing God's word" Ezekeil 16:49 is also God's word and that certainly isn't you favorite verse.
J.T.C.: I love ALL of God's word, even Ezekeil 16:49.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:You apparently love Genesis 19 and Jude 7 a whole lot more then Ezekeil 16:49 otherwise you wouldn't dismiss it and urge people not to acknowledge it.
J.T.C.:Ezekeil just shows that homosexuals of Sodom were committing other sins too.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes, and it was these 'other sins' that got them killed. If homosexuality was the main reason Sodom was destroyed I assure you Ezekeil would have mentioned it; the guy wasn't a moron.
J.T.C.:That isn't what Ezekeil meant at all!!!
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well I'm glad we have you to tell us what the prophets actually meant.
J.T.C.:Yeah, that's what I do, tell people what the Bible really means.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Well thank goodness you came along, what a travesty it would be if people had to base their beliefs only on the text in the Bible. Anyway, lets move on, your beliefs on homosexuality are cliché and beginning to bore me.

Part Two: Evolution and Creation

J.T.C.:OK, do you believe in Godless Evolution?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Since when has Evolution been godless??? Wait till those theistic evolutionists hear this.
J.T.C.:Evolution teaches that there was no creation. That means there is no God.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:No, evolution teaches that there was no creation, that means, there was no creation.
J.T.C.:Sandy the Bible says God MADE MAN.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes but it never says How does it?
J.T.C.:From DUST.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Well Man from Dust... that sounds like it took a lot of evolving to from dust into a human being. Or a Bone into a Human being.
J.T.C.:The Bible says in the First Chapter of Genesis, God made the universe and the Earth.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Once again, it does not say HOW. If I told you I made a cake that means there was probably several ways I could have made it, it didn't just appear in the oven.
J.T.C.:That would be witchcraft.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:I'd like to meet a witch that can make a cake by saying abracadabra.
J.T.C.:Have you read my tract "Bid Daddy"
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes, I found it quite amusing.
J.T.C.:I had help from a number of creation Scientists. They gave me lots of information.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Really? Who?
J.T.C.:Dr. Scott Huse, Dr. Bolton Davidheiser and Dr. Kent Hovind.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:ILMAO, DOCTOR!!!! Hovind????? LOL Oh Jack, Thanks for the laugh it's been ages since I laughed like that.
J.T.C.:What's so funny?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Dear, I don't know how to tell you, but your friend Kent, he's a fraud.
J.T.C.:He is not, he's a very intelligent creation scientist.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well as far as creation scientists go he probably is intelligent in comparison to the rest; but he's a fraud. He claims to have a masters and a doctorate from Patriot University in Colorado. Patriot University is listed on "Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree Mills, 4th ed." (1995). Patriot University will give you a degree in exchange for $15 to $32 per credit. He certainly never got those degrees the traditional way. He also is notorious for making up references, quoting out of context or altering quotations, and just flat out telling bold faced lies. A good example of a bold faced lie is when he calls himself a doctor. Here, read this
J.T.C.:He gave me information from other creation scientists too.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: If the information he gave you is what went into those tracts I'm sorry to say the information certainly wasn't factual.
J.T.C.:That just isn't true.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Please don't make me go through it all.
J.T.C.:What about Nebraska Man, or Piltdown Man? They were NOT missing links.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:You're right, they weren't missing links, And I'd like to point out that no one ever said Nebraska Man was a missing link, they said that it COULD BE, and MAY turn out to be... no one ever said it WAS. Also, I doubt you will find an evolutionist today that will tell you they were. Which is very different from the creation scientists that still publish, sell, and distribute information that they know has been proven wrong. And sadly, every creationist knows about Nebraska man and Piltdown man, however none of you know about the time Dr. Gish's bombardier beetle argument was disproven right before his face. In fact I don't think Gish even knows about it seeing how he continued to use the bombardier beetle argument AFTER is was disproven before his very eyes in a simple experiment.
J.T.C.:What about the Peppered Moth? That was a hoax.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:It may be true that the peppered moth doesn't land on the bark of trees but that does nothing to disprove the fact that black peppered moths thrived and became more abundant then the gray speckled moths.
J.T.C.:What about calling the tail bone vestigial. Nine Muscles attach to it, it's not vestigial.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:When it comes to vestigial organs evolutionists tend to stick more to wisdom teeth, the appendix, and the plantaris muscle. The tail bone business is the remains of the tails human embryos have.
J.T.C.:Those embryo pictures by Haeckel were a hoax.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: OH, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Haeckel did a little ad lib on the drawings of the younger embryos to show the similarities. The tails were not made up... they are there.
J.T.C.:And what about the whale pelvis. You evolutionists always talk about whale pelvises, they are needed for breeding.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: The majority of a whale's pelvis has nothing attached to it. However, there is a short stubby femur attached to it. And there has been a skeleton of a whale with short stubby legs found.
J.T.C.:There are no transitional fossils.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:I don't know who told you that, but it's an out right lie. That whale with the short stubby legs... that IS a transitional fossil. And there have been many other transitional fossils found. Name a transition Jack.
J.T.C.:OK, lizards turning in to birds.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Oh, that's an easy one, Archaeopteryx. Creation scientists always whine that Archaeopteryx isn't good enough. Then the discoveries of Coelophysis, Compsognathus, and Lisboasaurus estesi were made and it was established that they were the very early ancestors of Archaeopteryx. But the creation scientists then whined about the gap. So next there was the discoveries of Archaeopteryx lithographica, Sinornis santensis, Ambiortus dementjevi, Hesperornis, and Ichthyornis. These more or less took care of the gap. The creation scientists then when back to whining about Archaeopteryx. So don't say there are no transitional fossils when in the case of reptiles to birds at least nine can be mentioned.
J.T.C.:What about Lucy, many feel she was just a chimp.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Oh, so we are back to this topic again, you already mentioned Nebraska man. The people that say Lucy was just a chimp totally ignore her pelvis and knees. You are also probably thinking about Zuckerman, another famous Gish lie. Gish probably told you that Zuckerman studied the Lucy skeleton and came to a conclusion she was just a chimp and couldn't walk upright.
J.T.C.:Yeah he did.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well Zuckerman studied a cast of the pelvis of a skeleton similar to Lucy. Zuckerman didn't study Lucy, Zuckerman didn't even study an actual skeleton. Gish has been corrected on this REPEATEDLY, and still says Zuckerman studied Lucy. He is just a compulsive liar I guess.
J.T.C.:When you take a fossil, and say how old it is by the rocks around it, and say how old the rocks around it are by the fossils, that circular reasoning.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Correct Jack, and that is why we DON'T DO IT. We have many other ways to tell how old something is, it certainly isn't guess work. Ever hear of Carbon 12? This is another famous Gish lie. At the University of Toronto in 1982, Gish admitted that his argument about fossil and rock dating being circular reasoning was not true. Of course he still used this argument even though he himself said it isn't true.
J.T.C.:So Dr. Gish lied to me?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Don't worry about it, he lies to everyone. Take a gander at this
J.T.C.:Isn't evolution just a religion that atheists follow?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:If evolution is a religion we'd worship Eusthenopteron. And How do you explain theistic evolution? Get a grip.
J.T.C.:Dinosaurs were alive when humans were, they have found dinosaur tracks next to human tracks.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Dear, that was a hoax. And the vast majority of creation scientists will admit it, it's just a few lunatic crackpots that believe in those 'man tracks'. And most of the ones that believe in the 'man tracks' have fake degrees like your pal Kent Hovind.
J.T.C.:I bet you don't believe in the flood of Noah either?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well, at least you got something right. The whole concept of the flood is insane and absurd.
J.T.C.:Then how did seashells get on top mountains?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Plate tectonics hon. The Himalayas are the result of forced up ocean floor.
J.T.C.:The Grand Canyon was made my the flood. You can recreate one in five minutes in your own back yard. It's just a smaller scale.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:I'd believe you if the Grand Canyon didn't have the Colorado River at the bottom. And that certainly isn't a testable model. If the creationists wont let us use bacteria to demonstrate evolution why should we let you use some mud puddle in the back yard to demonstrate the great flood??
J.T.C.:Do you know how big the ark was?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:It was pretty big, in fact; too big to be structurally sound, and it certainly wasn't big enough to contain TWO of every living thing let alone enough food for them.
J.T.C.:Fish and shellfish didn't have to be on the ark.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Salt water fish DIE in fresh water, and fresh water fish DIE in salt water. And even if marine life was exempt form the ark, you still don't have enough room to account for everything. There isn't even enough room to account for all the insects.
J.T.C.:There is geographic PROOF of the flood.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:No, there is geographic proof of a floods. A flood here a flood there, another one over yonder. And all seem to be years apart. There is no proof for a GLOBAL flood. Just proof of local floods. And besides where did all the water come from of go to? The Earth has never had enough water on it to evaporate and rain down causing a global flood, nor enough land to absorb all the water after the flood.
J.T.C.:The Bible says that God separated the higher waters form the lower waters with the sky. During the flood the higher waters came down and flooded the Earth.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: That was a myth as to why the sky is blue and where rain comes from. The sky is blue cause it's made of water, that's where the rain comes from. And even if there was once 'higher waters' that helped cause the flood where did the water go???
J.T.C.:I don't know it just vanished I guess. A miracle.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: It's a miracle anyone would believe in the 'firmament' of the sky holding up the 'higher waters'.
J.T.C.:No, it WAS like that. Not any more.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:And I supposed the Earth was ONCE the center of the solar system.
J.T.C.:The Bible never said that.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Oh really. First chapter of Genesis, after God makes the sky that separates the waters. He latter puts the Sun and the Moon in this sky that is around the Earth. So the Sun and the Moon were between the Earth and the 'higher waters'. In other words the Sun went around the Earth and the moon followed.
J.T.C.:Why don't we move on to a simpler topic. Something less scientific.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:You haven't said anything scientific yet.

Part Three: Catholicism, Satanism, and National Holidays

Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Let's talk about your conspiracy theories.
J.T.C.:There is a conspiracy against Christians.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes, you claim it's lead by the Catholics.
J.T.C.:It is, they are responsible for the assassination of president Lincoln.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Of course, seeing how a Catholic killed him, it must have been planned by the Pope.
J.T.C.:No, just the Roman Catholic Church, but he did help plan it. The Catholics also started the KKK.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: The KKK is and always was a Calvinist Baptist organization. I challenge you to find a Catholic member of the KKK. If their is one, they are probably the only one.
J.T.C.:Do you know how much the Catholics are responsible for?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Well, I know you blame them for just about everything.
J.T.C.:They are responsible for an awful lot.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Well I agree, it was Catholic doctrine that lead to heresy trials and the Inquisition, but that also had a lot to do with the mixing of church and state. This is why church and state must be separate.
J.T.C.:No, separating church and state fools people into being satanic humanists. They will try to take over and send all the Christians to mental hospitals.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: In your case that may not be so bad of an idea.
J.T.C.:Satan is leading the Catholics, they have tried to destroy the Bible, they allow Homosexuals into the media, and teaching out children evolution.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Why my those Catholics have been busy. I never knew every homosexual or evolutionist was Catholic.
J.T.C.:No, but they are a RESULT of Catholics.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:And you feel Catholics are a result of Satan?
J.T.C.:Yes. Just look at those Satanists, they are tricky, they got us to celebrate Satanism.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:HOW, I can't think of any Satanic holidays observed on my calendar?
J.T.C.:Christmas and Halloween.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Christmas is a day when Christians go to church and celebrate the birth of Christ. The date and decor may have pagan origins but I assure you, a prayer to God is a prayer to God.
J.T.C.:Oh really.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Yes, and the children sing hymns about God. "Silent Night", "Little Town of Bethlehem", "Angels we have Heard on High" those certainly are not satanic songs.
J.T.C.:What about Halloween?
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:I doubt it's the Satanists that dress up as cartoon characters and princesses and then go door to door asking for candy.
J.T.C.:Wrong, it's based on a pagan holiday about Satan worship.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Once again, if the date is of pagan origin that has nothing to do with the practice. Dressing up and giving out candy are in now way a form of Satan worship. And the pagan worship was based on a celebration of thanksgiving to the harvest -- not Satan.
J.T.C.:Even rock music, it is based on paganism.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Once again, for the third time, what something originates from does not describe what the result is. Your tracts were inspired by communist brain washing techniques and pornography, I guess we should stop reading your comics.
J.T.C.:No, my comics are for a Godly purpose.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: So, you said that since rock music, Halloween, and Christmas have pagan roots they are evil. Since your comics are based on pornography they too are unchristian smut.
J.T.C.:No, look, Satan has put witchcraft and Satanism everywhere. Look, kids play games like Dungeons and Dragons, and read books like Harry Potter.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Yes, and the Bible is also full of witches and magical happenance, should that be removed too?? Perhaps when King Saul consults a witch that promotes witchcraft, it should then be removed from the Bible.
J.T.C.:No, the media and games like Dungeons and Dragons make witchcraft appealing.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:I doubt any kid is going to convert to Satanism after playing Dungeons and Dragons, just like I doubt any kid is going to start worshipping candy after playing Candy Land, or start worshipping rabbits after playing Uncle Wiggly. Get a Grip jack.
J.T.C.:But it's a trick to get Christians to worship Satan.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Why are you so paranoid about Satan. God can overpower him. You act like Satan is in control of everything and God is off in the corner pouting about it.
J.T.C.:Sandy, they have tricked you too.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Well those dang Catholics. Oh well, they did a good job, I had no clue. My congratulations to the Pope on a job well done.
J.T.C.:He's the Antichrist!
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Wow, the Pope and the Antichrist... that must keep him pretty busy.
J.T.C.:You better get down on your knees and pray to God to save you, Repent, Repent. Or you will go to HELL.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:Jack, you worship God cause you love him and in return for him loving you. You don't worship God for a free ticket to Heaven. It's about what you can do to honor God, not what God can do for you. Come to think of it, that seems to be the whole summary of your doctrine, Turn or Burn. Reap the fringe benefits of Christianity. How selfish. Where in the Bible does it ever say "worship God so you can go to Heaven"??
J.T.C.:But it's true, worship God and go to Heaven, don't and you go to Hell.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina:That certainly isn't the concept of the Bible. The Bible states, God loves you, Jesus died for you, the least you can do is love him in return. "we love him cause he first loved us", not "we love him so we can go to Heaven".
J.T.C.:You are just trying to trick me into Satanism.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: That would be a pretty good trick. But I seriously think you are already half way there. Your concept of Christianity seems to be "what can I get out of it"
J.T.C.:I don't want to hear any more of your secular lies. You must be a Catholic.
Miss_Sandy_Fagina: Yep, that's me, Miss Sandy Fagina the Roman Catholic who never leaves home with out her rosary. Good Lord, you need to go take a nap or something. I'm going to let you go now. Bye bye.
J.T.C.:But I want to save you.
**Miss_Sandy_Fagina has logged off**

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