Interview with Dr. Laura

Sandy:Welcome Dr. Laura, would you like some fresh coffee and almond tea cakes?
Dr. Laura:Why thank you, these tea cakes look delicious, did you make them yourself?
Sandy:Of course, Now, Dr. Laura, you are one of the most known radio talk show hosts in America, you rank up there with Rush Limbah, and Howard Stern; and like them, people tune in everyday to hear you point out the moral flaws in others. But you offer psychological and moral support, and also a Jewish view on religious topics. Correct?
Dr. Laura:Yes, I am an American icon for good family values.

Sandy:Does not that seem out of your area of expertise?
Dr. Laura:I 'm confused, what do you mean?
Sandy:Well what warrants you to give sound advice?
Dr. Laura:Oh, I have a Ph.D. a doctorate.
Sandy:Well yes, but in physiology. That scarcely gives you the knowledge to offer accurate psychological information and moral guidelines for your fans. Not to mention your physiological knowledge is questionable at times.
Dr. Laura:Hey babe. I'm very smart in the field of psychology.
Sandy:Not according to the A.P.A.
Dr. Laura:And I have a lot of knowledge on Biblical scripture, I own a Bible. Didn't you know that I am a Jew?
Sandy:Yes, I was aware of your Jewish faith, but I am unable to see a logical correlation. Any ways, Dr. Laura, you feel that homosexuality is a biological error that can be corrected with reparative therapy?
Dr. Laura:Yes, it disables them form being attracted to the opposite sex. Reparative Therapy can correct that disorder.
Sandy:Dr. Laura, with your physiological and alleged psychological knowledge you would understand that biological causes for a condition are not treated with counseling and reparative therapy. Reparative therapy wont alter the biological mishaps. That would be like receiving counseling to turn a malignant tumor benign, or trying to use reparative therapy to turn the genes that give one blonde hair into a gene that gives one brown hair. It's absurd!

Dr. Laura:Many psychologist have turned people heterosexual.
Sandy:But those psychologists feel homosexuality is a choice or conditioned behavior, and you feel it's biological, how can you agree on the same solution when you disagree on the cause of the problem?? Not to mention most of those psychologists are not recognized by the A.P.A. Diploma mills not doubt.
Dr. Laura:My diploma is NOT from some mill!!!
Sandy:Oh, I'm not saying your diploma is not authentic; hardly, you don't have a psychological diploma that's authenticity can even be questioned. But on the topic of psychology, do you know what a defense mechanism is?
Dr. Laura:Isn't that stuff like pepper spray and mace?
Sandy:Your ignorance astounds me. Defense mechanisms are psychological concepts, ways people try to compensate or correct their own problems. Like denial, regression, intellectualization, or over compensation.
Dr. Laura:I think I've heard of those. Why do you ask?
Sandy:Cause I feel your antics as a paragon for good morality is a defense mechanism of overcompensation for you rampant lack of morals and ethics.
Dr. Laura:Hey babe, way wrong, I have great morals, I'm knows for spreading good moral values.
Sandy:But your a polygamist.
Dr. Laura:WHAT? I am not. Where did you get that information from?
Sandy:The Bible, you know, that book you always talk about? You married a man, and then married another? Polygamy or at least -- bigamy.
Dr. Laura:I am divorced from my first husband.
Sandy:So, God does not recognize your divorce. Matt 19:6. In God's eyes your still married to your first husband, and this second husband is nothing more then an adulterer. And you rarely follow your own Jewish laws. You rant and rave about the ten commandments, yet you are Jewish, you have hundreds to babble on about but limit yourself to a small few.
Dr. Laura:Some of those laws only applied to God's people that were in the exodus of Egypt.
Sandy:Dr. Laura, you are the one that preaches God's words are unchanging and if one thinks otherwise they will get 'zapped'. When you attack wiccan faith and victimize wiccan callers, you should be taking names and addresses to find and kill them like you are commanded to do in Ex 22: 18. I'm positive your drab pants suite is in violation of Lev 19:19 and just when was the last time you made a sweet savor unto the lord with a burnt offering?
Dr. Laura:Listen babe, I think I know my religion a lot better then you.
Sandy:Yes, I supposed you do. And you probably have a fictitious Ph.D. to back it up too. But how do you rationalize those pictures? I mean one look at those and a consensus of the porn industry feels you are a common harlot.

Dr. Laura:Those pictures were taken a long time ago, and they are not porn, those are tasteful photos.
Sandy:Tasteful if one has a taste for insect larvae. Those photos look like an advertisement for a sex change operation clinic. And seeing how those obscene photographs were taking in your past, it is amazing how you hound callers with their petty problems making them appear foolish and oblique. Yet, not a one has ever called asking what to do about their porn debut.
Dr. Laura:Now let me tell you, you're not so perfect either, you're...
Sandy:More perfect then you, Yes, I know dear. Anyway you really should get going, I am having the breakfast nook re-furnished today.
Dr. Laura:Excuse me!
Sandy:Oh, your excused, why did you fart or something? Please refrain from blasting your flatulence onto my furniture, I'd hate to have to reupholster that chair. You may let yourself out if you like or I'll escort you to the door.
(I then showed the doctor out, even though she was a little startled, I guess she has never heard psychological or moral reasoning before.)

To read more about Dr. Laura, click here.

To read a letter of concern written to Dr. Laura, click here.

To find out why the Internet is littered with those photos of the brazen harlot, click here.

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