Diploma Mill

Many people wonder, "Just how did Dr. Laura get a Ph.D.?" or, "Where do these creation scientists get their diplomas?" I have always replied to these people: Diploma Mills. But then I get creationists and Dr. Laura lovers calling me on the phone and writing anonymous letters to me proclaiming that diploma mills do not exist. They are a figment of my imagination. And for awhile I had to believe them. The only proof I had that people can get a diploma by sending off a few dollars was simply the existence of Dr. Laura and creation scientists. Until today, I went to check my yahoo e-mail, as opposed to the advertisements for credit cards, viagra, and sleazy porn sites, there was an advertisement for a diploma mill. Here is the message.

From: universitydegreeprogram@u_wn
Subject: University Degree Program


Obtain a prosperous future, money earning power, and the admiration of all.

Diplomas from prestigious non-accredited universities based on you present knowledge and life experience.

No required tests, classes, books, or interviews.

Bachelors, masters, MBA, and doctorate (Ph.D.)
diplomas available in the field of your choice.

No one is turned down.

Confidentiality assured.

CALL NOW to receive your diploma
within days!!!


Call 24 hours a day, 2 days a week, including Sundays, and holidays.

There, for all of you that don't believe me, call one of those numbers and see just how these ex-gay therapists got their Ph.D. in psychiatric medicine. Or find out just how much biology and physics a creation scientist needs to know.
Or, why not stick it to the ex-gay therapists and creationists, become a biblical scholar with one simple phone call.

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