Prohibiting of Homosexuals to Adopt Children: Keeping Kids Safe or just another Pro-Abortion Tactic

Many fundies try to prohibit and restrict homosexuals from adopting children. They say it is in the best interest of the child; I however think they have a different motive -- promoting abortion.
When it comes to an unwanted pregnancy the choices are abortion or adoption. Now, to many the option of an adoption would seem much more logical, it's a lot more simplified and certainly has fewer negative side effects. So then why would so many women choose an abortion over adoption. Very simple, the women feel that their child will not be properly cared for, just bounce from one foster parent to the next. Or even worse, the child will sit in an orphanage for years on end. Because of this, many women feel that it is better for herself and her unborn child to have an abortion. But why would so many children end up in orphanages and foster homes; the answer is simple -- lack of adoptive parents.
One of the largest restrictions on adoptive parents is sexuality. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals are restricted and limited in adoption rights regardless of their ability to make a good father or mother. With 10% of the population automatically deemed unqualified to adopt a child no wonder there is a lack of adoptive parents.
So the solution would be simple, let gays adopt, and watch the abortion rates will fall. But then the fundies step in and begin to scream that we "MUST THINK OF THE CHILDREN". How horrible would it be for a kid to have gay parents. The confusion, the mental anguish, the shame. They even go on to say how their kids will tease and bully him when he's in school. It would be far better for the children to have straight parents, even though straight adoptive parents are in short supply.
But that is the logic the fundies want you to follow. What they really mean to say is much different. What they want you to believe and what they believe are two different things. They feel that as opposed to a child having two loving an protective parents to raise the child, it would be better that the kid go through a series of foster homes, then be stuck in limbo for a few years waiting around at the adoption agency, and then get to spend a few more years playing foster tag. And when it's all over, the kid doesn't have anyone to call mom or dad, but instead a long list of former guardians. The fundies then are fully aware that woman with the unwanted pregnancy will learn about the statistics about how her kid can be come a ward of the state as opposed to someone's child.
As a result of this many woman choose abortion over adoption. And the fundies know it. So when it comes down to it, when the fundies scream "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" what they are actually saying is "saline injections and suction catheters are better then parents". Of course the fundies will deny this. This plan of theirs only works if the majority never catches on. In fact, they only came up with this idea after Ron Popeil refused their commission to invent a home abortion kit.

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