Flaunting Sexuality: Something Gays do or Heterosexual Way of Life

Many times I have been asked, "why do gays flaunt their sexuality?" And at first I used to think it was a valid question. But then the other day, was thinking about that very question, and I came to the conclusion that the people that ask that question. Must live completely isolated from the media and the rest of society. They apparently have no radio, newspapers, magazines, books, or television. These people must live in a cave, with their eyes shut, and their ears plugged... and this cave must be on the moon or some other heavenly body other then the Earth.
I came to this conclusion by simply just observing all that went on during the course of one day in my life. Now I will take you chronologically through the day.
I woke up in the morning and as I normally do, I read the newspaper. And what do I see in the newspaper, a whole page of engagements. A page of heterosexual couples announcing that they will be married. Now normally I would look at the couples and try to figure out which one's will end up divorced; but instead I flipped the page. And to my surprise, anniversaries. Heterosexual couples announcing that they have been married for years. Now normally, I'd look at the couples and try to guess which one's will get a divorce and not have another anniversary; but I flipped the page. And to my surprise... baby announcements. Here married women and single women announced that they had given birth. Heterosexual people showing off their kids.
Now I decided to go to town. When driving in my car, I ALWAYS play the radio. A good 90% of those songs must have been about some guy or girl singing about how they love another guy or girl. Or how then want another guy or girl, or how they had their heart broken by some guy or girl. Nothing but heterosexual people whining about their love life set to music. So I switched to some talk radio. Then there was Howard Stern talking about who's boobs and who's butt he likes. Then I switched and found a bunch of guys talking about Jennifer Lopez's butt, and Brittany Spear's breasts. Finally, I thought I should try the classical station... certainly THAT wouldn't be about under sexed heterosexuals talking about over sexed heterosexuals. But what did I hear, music from the ballet 'Romeo and Juliet' by Prokofiev followed by the opera 'Madame Butterfly'. So even classical music if filled with heterosexual people that yummer about their love life.
Once in town I decided to do some shopping. While their I noticed a large amount of advertisements that all were showing a happy family with a dog included, or man and woman looking lovingly at one another. Ads like this was on everything from frozen food to cleaning products to kitchen utensils.
So I decided enough, I'll take a stroll through the park. While walking I saw several male and female couples walking hand in hand. I also saw heterosexual couples having picnics with their children. I even saw a young couple sitting on a bench making out and doing some heavy petting.
This was getting quite annoying so I thought it would be best to catch the mid day matinee. The movie I saw was an action adventure that had tact on love plot. I then realized about 90% of movies are like this. The other 10% are romance where the love plot is not tact on, it is the plot. Movies are filled with some type of plot or event and what ever it is, be it a giant asteroid looming towards the earth, a flesh eating monster, a bomb, a serial killer on the loose, or an airplane falling out of the sky; it always seems to either bring a man and a woman together causing a relationship, fix a man and a woman's relationship, or end a relationship between a man and a woman. And the kiss scene always takes place during the race against time, the jet is coming, the room is filling with water, the bomb is ticking towards zero: that's when the woman says, "I cant do it, I'm scared, I can't", they guy says, "Yes you can, you have to, you must", then they look each other in the eyes, kiss passionately, and the woman does whatever she is supposed to do. In the real world, during this time 5 jets would have crashed, 2 bombs would have gone off, and they both would have drowned. But in Hollywood, there is always enough time for a man to kiss a woman.
So, I figured, screw Hollywood, I'm going to get a book. So I bought several fictional novels. And then drove home, WITHOUT the radio on. Once home, I sat down and began reading the books. But I only got part way into them before realizing that they too had tact on love plots between heterosexuals. So it seems that even wonderful books have been taken over by heterosexuality.
So, I went and turned on the television. Good Lord, I only watched about 5 minutes before I decided to change the channel. I realized that television has got to be the form of media that is the MOST overtaken with heterosexuality.
Day time television. One can watch talk shows, where heterosexuals come on, and propose to one another, get a date, find out if their spouse is cheating on them, find out who is the father of their kid, or talk about their extremely promiscuitive teen. Or, you could watch on of the chick chat talk shows, where it's women complaining about their boyfriends and husbands. If that doesn't seem interesting, you can watch Divorce Court, or even better, why not try a soap opera, or as I call it, heterosexual people with problems.
So, let's try prime time. That has sitcoms about a married couple where the wife and the husband get into amusing arguments and make up at the end of the episode. Or single people that can't find a partner, or single people that need to dump their current partner. Then you can watch the dramas, which have countless tacked on love plots. So, let's try the reality television. We can watch 10 people in a house flirt with each other, 12 people on an island flirt with each other, or 8 people on a boat flirt with each other.
When I changed the station, I came across news. Some polygamist was arrested in Utah, and there was a police bust at a whore house. This senator is having an affair. And that congressman, is allegedly having an affair. For 4 years we had to turn on the news and see a parade of women President Clinton has slept with.
But if it's election time, we can turn on and watch the debates, where lots of questions are addressed. Like, some heterosexual women want abortions, some single women with kids need assistance, it's only right to allow heterosexuals to marry, and what to do about all those countries that just wont stop breeding.
So, I looked at my magazines. Who's getting married, who's getting divorced, who's pregnant, and who's cheating. Well that was interesting.
So, I put the television back on. And there was Jerry Fallwell ranting and raving about homosexuals flaunting their sexuality. At this point I began laughing hysterically till the point I passed out.
When I came too, I had my dinner, and then decided to clean house a bit. While dusting I came across my parents wedding picture.
So, I finally went to bed. But while falling asleep, I began to wonder, how can someone be annoyed the extremely small and minuscule amount of homosexuality 'flaunted' in society, and not have a problem with the heterosexuality that is forced down their throats, and shoved in their face at an almost constant rate? Are these people really that oblique to the world around them, or do they just think they actually have something worth bitching about? I think it's the latter.

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