Many fundies say the reason they are so hostile to homosexuals is out of 'Christian Love'. They claim they are following the golden rule: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. They say that if they were sinning they would want someone to tell them.
Well, listen up cause I'm going to tell them.
They quotes scripture non stop about gays, everything from Sodom and Gomorrah to Jude 7. They even take verses that have no bearing and insist it's applicable. With long defamatory speeches they claim that homosexuality is a sin, and they are trying to save us all.
Well, I am now going to try and save them. I have come across a few verses (New Testament, not that abolished Old Testament laws for people paranoid about pagans) that I need to tell these people before it's to late. They need to 'turn or burn', 'repent', 'change their heathen ways', and 'stop living in sin'.
Now, I am only doing this out of the greatest of Christian Love, I am following the Golden Rule. They have told me I'm sinning and that I need to repent. They have shown great concern for my spiritual well being and it's about time that I repay the favor.
And remember, if you are really a Christian you will depart from these sinful activities. You will repent of them and stop doing them, pray, Jesus will help you overcome the temptations. But if you continue to follow in these sins, you then can't be a Christian. That seems to be the same logic you espouse, I hope you can at least adhere to it.
Those of you that are female and pray without having your heard covered, be it a hat, or a bonnet, or a scarf. Are sinning. Please for the sake of your soul and eternal salvation, always wear something on your head the next time you pray.
Those of you that believe in those ancient Jewish Fables, like Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, Creation, Father Abraham, and the rest of Genesis had better forget it. Cause Paul instructed us to IGNORE those Jewish fables. And the whole book of Genesis is a collection of Jewish fables, and legends passed down by word of mouth, that Moses put on paper. So for the sake of you soul and eternal salvation, stop reading Genesis.
Ok, that guy that impregnated your mother, he's not your father. God is you father, and if you think otherwise -- HERETIC. So for the sake of your soul and eternal salvation, stop calling that guy your father.
So, those of you that a females, that braid your hair, wear fancy clothing, make up, and jewelry.... ARE SINNING. Follow what the great apostle Paul said and don't wear that stuff, it's not what godly Christian women do. Wearing necklaces, it's SIN. So for the sake of your soul and eternal salvation STOP braiding your hair.
Those of you that don't think I'm a Christian, STOP ASSOCIATING WITH ME. If you really thought I was a non-Christian you wouldn't be associating with me. Or perhaps you DO think I'm a non-Christian you just associate with me cause you like to sin. For the sake of your soul and eternal salvation, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!