When it comes down to it, all these Christians that condemn homosexuals will use the phrase "hate the sin, not the sinner". But, these Christians continue to condemn the person (the sinner) to Hell along with their actions (the sin). They can't have this both ways, One can not say they love the sinner, and then condemn them to Hell.
Many of them will go on to say, they do not hate, they hate the sin, and they are not condemning the person, they are condemning the person's actions, and the actions will send the person to Hell etc etc, and some more grasping for straws and rambling to get out of admitting to hatred. Actions speak louder then words and harassing gays that are trying to pray to Jesus is pretty hateful in my book. Tell people that cant be Christian and trying to deny them the freedom of religion is also pretty hateful too. However hard they try to call it love, it has nothing to do with it.
So why would they be so foolish as to do this. It's simple, they have no clue as to what they are talking about. And the Bible says so.
These poor people are blind and have no clue to what they are doing. They aren't even Christians. No Christian would carry on with such a destructive and forbidden sin as hate, and try to justify it, or actually lie about their practice of it.
An intersection, one road ends with a gay Christian, another, Santa Clause, another one, the Easter Bunny, and the last one, a hateful Christian. Equal distance from all of these, which one would someone arrive at first? The gay Christian because the rest do not exist.
See, they just don't exist, they are liars, and can't love God.
Hateful Christians are nothing more then murderers, serial killers in fact, genocide even; instantly taking out millions at a time.
So when it comes down to it, hateful Christians are not Christians. They don't really love God, they don't have the Holy Spirit, and they don't have eternal life in Christ.
So the next time some hate monger with a Bible gets in your face, pity them, they are going to Hell. The only reason they are so convinced you are going to Hell too, misery loves company.