Many fundies have raved and ranted the phrase "It's unnatural" in regards to homosexuality. They feel that homosexuality is not natural. Out of pure curiosity I decided to get out the ole Webster's dictionary and just see what something has to be to qualify as natural.
The first definition was:
Natural: a note that is not sharp or flat
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music has a little more elaborate definition complete with symbols and examples for this. But I am sure this is not the definition the religious right is referring too.
The other definition was:
Natural: produced or existing by nature.
OK, so now what we have to define is nature?? Exactly WHAT does something have to be produced or exciting by to be deemed natural.
nature: The universe and its phenomena; one's own character or temperament
Well, when it comes to homosexuality being produced and existing by the universe and it's phenomena. Then, no, homosexuality is not unnatural.
It appears constantly in nature. Despite the fact that many conservative scientists and fundies have tried to brush the facts under the rug, the truth still remains: HUNDREDS of animals are gay.
Many will ask, WHERE are these animals, is there proof? Yes, Bruce Bagemihl, a biologist has compiled information on the topic of homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and transvestite behavior in almost 200 species of animals ranging from primates to insects. However, other zoologists have noticed similar behavior in species that would include ALL mammals, and just about ALL vertebrates. In other words, homosexuality is pretty damn natural in the animal kingdom.
For Brucy's book Click here.
Now, many have came yummering to me, "Miss Sandy, can you give me any specific information, I just don't believe you".
1. From observations done at zoos, a minimum of 5% of Humboldt penguins pairs are of the same gender.
2. Whip tail lizards are all female. Males do not exist in the species, the females can simply produce fertile eggs that reproduce a clone of the mother. But, some of those females will mate with other females.
3. Green flies, like the whip tail lizards, females that reproduce on their own, will occasionally attempt mating with other females.
4. Many unions of gay and lesbian geese have been observed.
5. The same is true for bottelnosed dolphins.
6. Male black swans have been observed to court one another. Many of these same sex pairs will then steal eggs, incubate them (female behavior, not male) hatch the eggs and then raise the young better then the heterosexual parents.
7. The same goes for flamingos. AND, flamingo mating ritual generally consists of group sex that does result in males mating males, and females mating females.
8. Many farmers can testify to roosters making nests and then nesting.
9. According to the U.S.A department of agriculture a good 8% of sheep are gay or bisexual.
10. Female grizzly bears have been observed to form lifelong unions where they will travel together, defend one another and even raise their cubs together.
11. Male ostriches, as opposed to performing the mating dance to arouse and impress the females will perform the mating dance for males exclusively.
12. In some species heterosexual behavior has NEVER been observed despite the fact that scientists have spent YEARS observing them. The black-rumped flame back is an example of this. They have repeatedly been observed in male - male mating but never male - female mating.
13. Bonobo chimps, these monkeys cant go 15 minutes without having homosexual relations.
14. For some more information click here
Now, why haven't you heard that before? Simple, those dang fundies hide the facts. They will stop at NOTHING. They have invented terms like isosexual, intrasexual, same sex social sexual aggressive behavior, all so they wont have to admit that some bonobo chimps like to dyke out.
Some will say, it's just a display of dominance, the animal is sexually frustrated and can't find a decent mate, it's a greeting display, it's a showing of sexual virility, etc. and other such nonsense.
Apparently these people were watching the wrong animals.
It has been speculated that if a gorilla discovered electricity and used it to power an electric dildo no one would ever hear about it.
Wanna hear about those bonobo chimps that are just 'greeting each other'. Click here.
When to buffalo are having hot lesbian sex they are having hot lesbian sex. If it looks like the chicken is having a homosexual fling, it probably is. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and screws members of the same gender; it's a homo duck.
Humans are the only species that we know of that responds with such violence, hostility, and hatred towards same sex couplings. In essence, it's rather UNNATURAL. But nonsense they say, white tailed deer express homophobia. (see, now they admit that some white tailed deer are flaming queers.) White tailed deer have been knows to show an aversion to other homosexual deer, but white tailed deer have NEVER been known to be hostile, violent, or cruel to other homosexual deer, they simply avoid them.
So in this aspect homosexuality IS NATURAL.
To see a satirical web site about the topic click here.
But, when it comes to homosexuality being produced and existing by one's own character or temperament. Then, yes, homosexuality can be unnatural but not always.
A little confusing I know, but the problem is all on the variable of WHO'S character or temperament. If we are referring to me, then it is natural. If were are referring to Pat Robertson, then it is probably unnatural. If we are referring to professional baseball players then yes grabbing your testicles in public is natural, if we are referring to Dennis Rodman then yes wearing a woman's wedding dress to clubs is natural. When we refer to Jesse Ventura a pink feather boa at public gatherings is natural, but when we talk about Eminem, singing with a melody is unnatural.
It all depends an who's character or temperament we are using. And this is when the error comes in. When a fundy goes on and on about how homosexuality is unnatural, what they mean is that homosexuality does not exist in their own personal character or temperament. What drives them to this erroneous conclusion is they think I care about their personal character or temperament. I DO NOT. If you are going to talk to me about things being unnatural in personal character and temperament, you had better be using my character and temperament as the main archetype. If not, shove a sock in it and go watch some lesbian frogs get it on.