Foaming Frenzied Fundies and Smiling Snickering Satan

Satan is such a crafty one isn't he? And now Satan has devised one of the best tricks yet. What is the best thing to use to prevent people from being Christians? Why other Christians. And that is just what Satan has been up too that sneaky being of evil incarnate.

Satan uses Christians (fundies mostly) to trick and convince others into rejecting Christianity and converting to a less hostile spiritual belief, usually agnosticism or atheism. As of now Satan has been using fundamentalist Christians to try and prevent homosexuals from forming a relationship with God. And the worst part of it: the fundies have no clue that they are Satan's mindless puppets. Satan has surely come a long way from talking snakes.

But how does Satan pull off this trick? With a single theological concept that can be summarized in one simple phrase that has been stated over and over again, with much volume. "YOU CAN'T BE GAY AND CHRISTIAN". Just about everyone has heard that sentence.

All Satan had to do was get people to believe in that phrase, to think that it's actually somehow stated in the Bible, get people to think that Romans Chapter one actually EXPLAINS it. Frankly, I have no clue how the hell Satan pulled that one off.

Now, with thousands of fundies screaming that phrase out and writing whole sermons on it, and even a few preachers that write sermons ONLY on that phrase, it has certainly made it's way to the homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered community. These puppets of Satan have then succeeded in convincing homosexuals that the erroneous phrase is correct.

The fundies are convinced that this phrase will cause homosexuals to change to heterosexuality. Also, I have no clue how Satan got them to think that. It's going to be a mystery to humanity for a long time, possibly longer then the pyramids.

When the homosexuals hear this they feel that it means: if you are a gay Christian you had better convert to a different religion cause we do not abide gay people that dare to worship our god. The majority of these homosexuals will convert from Christianity to another religion. Usually the conversion is to agnosticism or atheism. I know this cause Satan's puppets got me to convert to agnosticism which then evolved into atheism. And I have met MANY homosexuals that were former Christians, and many that are former former Christians.

Now, I have questioned several fundamentalists about this, and they all deny it. They have no clue what they are doing, or for who they are doing it for. Ironically, a few have actually told me that I am deceived by Satan.

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