For years creation 'scientists' have been posting lists of questions aimed at refuting and debunking evolution. However, these questions are quickly answered and simply done away with by the scientific community. I feel it is time someone made a list of questions for the creationists to answer.
1. How does the concept off all bears evolving from one generic bear that was on the Ark NOT qualify for macro evolution? Macro evolution is when one species evolves into another: so how could a higher taxon evolving into a more specified group (such as a genus forming new species) as post ark diversification states NOT be considered macro evolution?
2. Enough about Haekel! We don't care about recapitulation. We just want to know how creationists explain embryonic homology? Why do embryos have tails, webbed feet and hands, lobes for limbs, large eyes, and other features that cause them to be similar to other embryos? Why do human embryos look like more like sea horses then humans? Recapitulation is a dead theory, so what is yours?
3. During the alleged 6,000 years of the Earth's life, what caused the mass extinction of millions of life forms? Where did the life forms of the Cambrian, Precambrian, Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Triassic, Jurassic, and cretaceous periods go? Did a flood kill the trilobites but not other arthropods such as lobsters and crabs?? Was it too cold for dinosaurs to survive but not too cold for alligators and komodo dragons? Did God just figure he didn't like a vast majority of the life he created and just decided to do away with it and leave his favorite animals behind?
4. Post Ark Diversification. There was a rapid adaptation in life forms after the ark when the 'generic kinds' of animals began to produce other animals in the same 'kind'. If so, why has this process came to an insanely speed? Also, skeletal remains (not fossil) indicate that the species have been in equilibrium for at least 4,000 years. That means that Post Ark Diversification had to have taken a few years at the most. That is ludicrous, are we to believe that a generic mouse gave birth to field mice, a month later, had a litter of tit mice, followed by a batch of kangaroo mice, and then finished off with all other species of mice? Please explain, the fluctuation in the speed of your proposed 'diversification of life'.
5. "If man came from apes then why are there still apes?" Well then if God made Adam from the dust why is there still dust?
6. Second law of thermodynamics -- Creationists say the second law of thermodynamics states that order can not come from disorder and therefore evolution is impossible. If this is true then how can a gas, like steam, condense to a liquid causing the molecules and atoms to go from a random, chaotic scattering into a more ordered arrangement? How can a liquid, such as water, turn into a solid or become a crystal? The molecules and atoms will arrange themselves in a very organized pattern when a liquid crystallizes or freezes. If the second law of thermodynamics is what the creationists say it says all matter would go from a solid, to a liquid, to a gas and NEVER from a gas to a liquid, then to a solid; yet that takes place in my freezer on a daily basis?
7. If creationism is a scientific study and is a field of scientific research then why is the Institute of Creation Research tax exempt under the basis of being a RELIGIOUS organization?
8. Lies, lies, lies, and nothing is done to correct them. The Lady Hope myth, the Paluxy man tracks hoax, a basking shark carcass being called a plesiosaurus carcass and many others. What steps, if any, are being taken to prevent creationists from spreading these same erroneous teachings?
9. Also, what steps, if any, are being taken to prevent the publication, distribution, and selling of obsolete and inaccurate information? Over seven years "Have you Been Brainwashed" was sold despite the fact that even the writer, Dr. Gish, knew it had erroneous Statements in it?
10. If Archaeopteryx is not a transitional fossil then why can't creationists decide if Archaeopteryx was just a bird, or just another dinosaur?
11. The probability of evolution. To calculate probability you need the desired outcome over all possible outcomes, however; we only know of one possible outcome that evolution could have resulted in. All other outcomes are pure guesswork and speculation. When flipping a coin we know it will be heads or tails, yet we could speculate that the coin will land on it's edge, does that make the probability of flipping a heads 1 in 3? If not, why does unsupported outcomes apply to the probability of evolution and not other events?
12. Probability of abiogenesis and other probabilities. Creationists always point tout that the odds are against abiogenesis. However, the odds that your parents; DNA would have interacted to give you the DNA you have is 1 in 70 trillion. Does that prove that you are not an offspring of your parents? Take a single, individual snowflake, there is no other snowflake like it, nor will there ever be one just like it. The probability that the snowflake would have that design is one in infinity. Does that in anyway stop that snowflake from developing that design? The same thing goes for fingerprints. The probability that your left thumb print would have that print is one in infinity, does that prevent the thumb print from forming? Frankly, evolution is more likely to occur then a single snowflake or a single thumbprint. How can the odds against evolution making it unlikely be considered proof against evolution?
13. Why do creationists show us pictures of Ambulocetus and show it has no pelvis when the actual Ambulocetus skeleton not only had a pelvis but hind legs? Is this a lie or obsolete information that has not been corrected? Please explain this contradiction?
14. What is the intelligent design of the blind spot in the human eye, wisdom teeth in a jaw too small to hold them, a urethra passing through the prostrate, infants with large heads making birth difficult, and menopause??
15. Why do creationists say Zuckerman studied Lucy's skeleton when, in fact; Zuckerman studied a cast, of part of a skeleton that was similar to Lucy. Zuckerman never studied Lucy. Please explain is perpetuation of false information?
16. Redi disproved spontaneous generation centuries ago. Isn't spontaneous generation of life the same thing as creation, the sudden generation of life forms from nothing by a deity?
17. Have creationists disproved other creation theories? Creationists reach creation according to Genesis. Is that old Earth (day time, or gap theory) or young Earth? Have creationists disproved the pantheist theories, the primordial mother, the theory that several deities made the universe, or all the many different native American legends on creation, Greek mythology, Roman, Norse, or Egyptian? Have they attempted to disprove the non creation theories besides evolution such as: the universe has always been here, or the universe is the manifestation of a deity? And if not, when do the creationists play to start disproving these theories?
18. Kinds -- I'm confused as I'm sure most people are about what creationists mean by the term kinds. Is there a list of what animals came from what kind? If so may I see it? If there is no list, what is the basis for this kind concept? Is it pure speculation? Is it a theory, or just a hypothesis? How studied and researched is this concept of life coming from certain kinds?
19. How can creationists teach that evolution is immoral and a lie when so many well known creationists flaunt fraudulent diplomas, brag about attending a college that is nothing more then a split level home or a hotel room, or boast about nonexistent dissertations? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
20. Creationists say the Earth is about 6,000 years old yet when the creationists give their evidence about the age of the Earth the evidence never says 6,000. Instead they produce other figures. The best that can be done is remarks like, "the Earth is 100,000 years old at the MOST, or 10,000 years old at the MOST". How come creationists don't have any evidence that says 6,000 as opposed to rough estimates of what the Earth's maximum age could be?
21. Evolution is a religion? Is evolution dogmatic? Does it claim to be without error? Does it have any religious observations? What is it's ritual of worship, do the followers partake in any rituals sanctified by this religion? Is relativity a religion, plate tectonics, organic chemistry, a helio centric solar system, gravity, embryonic development, pathology, cardiology, or any other scientific concept or field of study? Why or why not?
22. Creationists errors. Evolutionists find the errors in evolution and creationism. Who proved Piltdown man to be a hoax -- evolutionists. Who proved Nebraska man to be a pig -- evolutionists. Who disproved recapitulation -- evolutionists. Now, who disproved the Lady Hope myth -- evolutionists. Who disproved the exploding bombardier beetle theory -- evolutionists. Who disproved the Paluxy man tracks -- evolutionists. Why do creationists turn a blind eye to the errors of other creationists and make little or no attempt to uncover the mistakes of fellow creationists? Why is it that creationists show little alarm or acknowledgment when they do make an error; usually continuing to repeat the false claims for years after they have been debunked?
23. Creationists claim there are no transitional fossils and then name a specific transition. If there were no transitional fossils why ask for a specific transition? A perfect example is Archaeopteryx. Creationists will mention there is no fossils showing the transition of skin to feathers. Skin to feathers is not the only transition between reptiles and birds. Is it that there are no transitional fossils or is it that there are not fossils for all transitions?
24. Where in the Bible does it say one has to believe in creation to be saved? As I recall the scripture teaches that to be saved one must accept Jesus as their lord and savior. Is this correct?
25. What predictions does creationism make and are these predictions proved? Evolution makes many predictions and most of them have been proven or partially proven. How about creation? What are the predictions and how have they been proven or partially proven?