One of the worst things about the Bible is that you can find a verse that will support any prejudice or form of intolerance. This has been done for YEARS. The KKK has done it, the Nazi's have done it, the Religious Right does it, child beaters do it, misogynists do it, there's an endless array of hatred and prejudice that has been supported by the Bible.
Someone just simply has to find an isolated verse that will support their idea, they then ignore the verses before or after the one's they have picked out. Some people have to ignore whole chapters or even whole books of the Bible. They simply just pick the Bible apart like a chimp picks apart a melon. They take out what they like, and throw away what they dislike.
The most recent form of this is hacking the Bible apart to validate prejudice against homosexuals. One of the most used verses is First Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 from the New International Version Bible that uses the term homosexual. These people not only have to carefully select a verse, but they have to carefully select what version of the Bible to use. Other versions use terms like male prostitute or 'abusers of themselves with mankind'. "Abusers of themselves with mankind" is a very ambiguous phrase that could mean many things, it doesn't even have to be sexual but people will still rant and rave that it means gays.
The Bible has been abused in this way for centuries. Many different groups have taken verses to support what they feel is right. Here are a few examples.
The KKK had many verses in the Bible that supports slavery, even beating your slaves, slaves are objects not people, and even an account where an Ethiopian didn't understand the book of Isaiah, they felt that means that black people are too dumb to understand the gospel of Christ.
The Nazis and many other anti-Semitic groups have a wide selection of verses from the Gospel of John (who blamed Jews for the Crucifixion) Acts (which contains accounts of Jews persecuting the apostles) and the Epistles of John (which they interpret as saying Jews are blasphemous). Here are two of these verses.
During the Salem witch trials many innocent women assumed to be witches were executed.
Many people also used the Bible to support beating their children. Saying that to be a good parent they must physically abuse their children with a stick or wooden rod.
Many people also used to Bible to keep women as second class citizens, keeping them out of the work force and out of the voting booths. Their purpose is to stay home taking care of the children and make more babies.
Some people have even used the Bible to persecute handicapped people.
Many years ago people even used the Bible to teach that the Sun went around the Earth, people that taught otherwise were convicted of heresy and were imprisoned or executed.
They also used the Bible to teach that the Earth was flat, those that said otherwise were also convicted of heresy and executed or imprisoned.
And after these things , holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. Rev 7:1
They did the same stuff in regards to the sky, teaching that it was a solid mass of water.
Those are just a small example of some of the ways that the Bible has been abused to support personal prejudices or personal ideas. In fact, as long as a person finds the right verse, they could teach any dumb idea as God's truth. I will demonstrate this for you.
See that verse shows that if you want to be with Jesus, you hate to hate your whole family, reject them, disown them, they are scum. In fact, hate yourself too.
See, that verse proves it, snakes can talk... don't believe me, read the verse again. It's crystal clear, snakes can talk. All true Christians would know this.
There look, "statute FOR EVER" I don't know what all these people that say we don't have to sacrifice think the words FOR EVER means. If you want keep God happy you better do your daily sacrifice. We still have to sacrifice animals to God; this verse proves it -- FOR EVER.
See that, those are the signs of a TRUE Christian, if you can't exorcist demons, speak in tongues, or heal the sick you ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN. If you aren't immune to snake bites and poison you ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN.
See, selecting Bible verses can help you to claim any bogus concept is God's Truth, everything from beating children and oppressing homosexuals to talking snakes and a flat Earth.
We need to read the Bible as a WHOLE, and focus on the main message, not search out verses and teach the useless message they contain.