It has became apparent that when a basher argues with you they use a system of arguments that can easily be classified. Knowing these tactics will enable one to be better at debating bashers.
Repetition -- This is when a basher will simply repeat a concept over and over again in the attempt that if someone hears it enough, they will believe it. This is what Fred Phelps uses. Ever paragraph he writes ends in the phrase "god hates gays". The man has never taken the liberty to actually prove this claim, he just makes the claim. If a basher is using this tactic simply ask them to support their claim. And make sure they use some good support, not some half assed illogical swill like Mr. Phelps uses.
Ad Hominem -- This is a Latin phrase that means 'to the person'. Instead of debating someone's ideas or beliefs just simply attack the person as an attempt to destroy their credibility. As in "Mel White is gay so what he says doesn't count". The best thing to do is retaliate. Trying to explain to them that the person has no bearing on the beliefs wont make any sense to them, if it did they wouldn't be making ad hominem arguments. Just simply use ad hominem against the people they quote. Such as "Jesse Helms is a senile old fart", "Rush is an obese pig that can't keep a wife", "Dr. Laura has deformed labia". Also, this can be rather fun too.
Parrot/bot -- This is when a person really doesn't talk as much as recite. They will quote a few Bible verses subjected to memory and throw out clichés such as "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve". The best response for these people is pity. God gave them a large organ inside their head and these people never really figured out how to use it. It just sits in their skull like a warm bowl of tapioca pudding. These people have all the intelligence of a well trained parrot, or a nice computer program that throws out phrases at random intervals.
Hack and Jack -- This is when they hack a Bible verse apart and then jack you around a bit with it. Such as quoting from Romans chapter one but hacking out all the stuff about how the people worshipped animals and idols. Or by trying to insist that of all 600 plus laws and regulations of Leveticus only two of them still apply. Or by taking a verse about Sodom and it's destruction and hacking out all those other verses that actually say WHY it was destroyed. The best defense against these people is to present the Bible verses they have thrown in the trash. Tell them that homosexuality has nothing to do with worshipping animals so their points are moot. Show them what the Bible really says about the sin of Sodom. Show them the verses in Leviticus they ignore, or the whole chapters in the New Testament that explain how we are not under the law.
Large font and all caps -- This has got to be the most annoying form of bashing in all of existence. This is when a person plugs in the font size 72, this the all caps key, and then attempts to spell faggot correctly. This is also sometimes used with repetition, as in they will post the same phrase a dozen times in their large, bold faced, red font. The best response to these people is the ignore button. These people really don't need the attention they so blatantly crave. If they do want attention they should perhaps develop some talents.
Argument from Authority -- This is when the basher will use phrases by people or persons that they consider to be authoritative on the matter. An example of this would be "This is what PAUL says ..." The best defense to this is to just show them what else PAUL says. Or what Jesus says, or Moses, or whoever. If they are Catholic, find quotes from the Pope or bishops. It may not convince them otherwise, but it does confuse them.
Self Examples -- This is when a basher seems to think that they are this perfect example to use. "I'm not gay, therefore you shouldn't be either." "I like pussy, not dick" From there they keep everything about them. "Gays hit on me", "He was looking at me". Etc. Just remind these people that contrary to their belief not EVERYTHING is about them. And that if they don't want gay people to 'look' at them then they should stay home. Anyone that uses themselves as the comparison for others is nothing more then a bigot.
Damned lies -- This is when a basher will simply quote made up 'facts' about gays. Such as the made up life expectancy or the majority of gays molest children statistics. Simply give these people some real information and dismantle their fairy tales before them.
Epithets and the Potty Mouth -- This is when a basher does nothing more then swear at you, usually while employing the Large Font caps lock tactic too. Most of the time they don't spell most of the words right. You will be called a 'fegitt' or a 'diek'. They will call you a 'fackin abomidation' and a 'vajeyena licker'. The best defense against these people is to try and control your wild gales of laughter.
The ADD tactic -- This is when a basher just throws out as many arguments as they can as fast as they can and simply jumps from one topic to the next. You will begin to explain how we are not under the law but saved by grace and the guy is already yammering on about Adam and Steve. They ask you about Exodus International and before you can reply they are trying to register you for a weekend visit. The first thing to do is ask the basher if they took their medication. If they haven't tell them to. If they are not on medication, tell them to get some ASAP.
Conversation Dictatorship -- This is when a basher must be in full control of the conversation, everything from who is part of the conversation, the topics, to even the arguments addressed. If anyone brings in a topic they don't want to discuss, they simply disregard it. They must keep total control over the conversation. The best defense against this, is to derail every direction they try to go to, force them into tangents, just keep them from being in control. Try to shift the control away from them.
Argument ad Bi-polar -- This is when a basher will actually be bright, cheerful, and ooze affection and then suddenly condemn you to Hell and hurl personal attacks. They will make a statement like. God Hates Fags, and wear this dopey grin on their face or say "I love you fags". After totally bashing you they will then insist they are doing this for your own good because they 'love' you and want to help. The best approach is to tell them, that they would be more helpful standing in the yard looking directly into the Sun, and that no dictionary defines 'love' as what they think it is. Explain to them that they can't have it both ways, they can not harbor such venom and malice and then still claim to be loving towards you. On a side note, bi-polar people are not this insane. It's only the bashers that use this tactic that are this insane.
Biblical Shield -- This is when the basher hides behind the Bible. They use it like a security blanket. They literally have used the scripture as an alibi for their prejudice. They say things like, "I didn't say it, God did". (And don't try to explain to them that the Bible wasn't written by God, it was written by the prophets, the apostles, Moses and then rewritten and copied down by monks and publishing houses, they simply won't have any idea as to what you are talking about. To them the term 'inspired by God' means 'dictated by God and then written down word for word and not a single part of it has ever been changed, left out, or added') The best thing to do is make then use a different source. Forget the Bible, make em use medical science and psychology. You must force these sniveling cowards our of their little safety net. This method is usually accompanied with the Hack and Jack method. They hide behind the Bible while using the Hack and Jack method.