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    The Structure of the Church      

For all that would enter should understand that which was given of the Father to His Lawful Servants. Be it known that like its blessed predecessor, the Church of the Firstborn, the Circles of the Church are three in number. Each a division of understanding and place in the Will. This number is reflected in the Commandments of Obedience and is a number sacred to the Father and so sacred to Us. Gain understanding of your place in the Will and enter the Church to find your Purpose.

The Circle of Purity The Circle of Unity The Circle of Purpose

The Circle of Purpose Let all who understand the Father’s Purpose for them enter herein. None shall be shunned if they choose the path of the Will. Regardless of race, the profession they chose or religion of the past, once turned to the Path of Truth, their access to the Circle of Purpose shall not be denied. Thus it is written. Let the Will be served.

The Circle of UnityThis Circle is for those of Innoruuk’s Children alone. Let none enter whose Purpose is corrupt or whose blood is not the blood of the Father’s Pure Children, the Teir’dal. For those of His Children who walk in His Will, none shall be denied. All Teir’dal regardless of caste or chosen profession shall be admitted, even those who have turned from the Will and returned to His Embrace shall have entrance here. Thus it is written. Let the Will be served.

The Circle of PurityOnly the purest of the Father’s Children may pass herein. Let none enter whose path ever knowingly turned from the Will, for such is blasphemy. Only those who stand in the Circle of the Father’s Shadow may be granted entrance, for through them the Will must be given to all. Thus it is written. Let the Will be served.

Knowing now that which the Father ordained, enter the pool of blood at the place which you were chosen for. If you were chosen for none, then depart ye hence and flee with all haste, for you are damned to the light of ignorance; which blinds you from the darkness of Truth.

Purpose   Unity   Purity