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Having been involved with home computers since 1984, a healthy dose of the time spent on PCs has been working out maps through dungeons, or strategies to kill off the latest level boss.  My first games were Wizardry I, and Ultima I. 

The Overview: is a quick look at at a few games I recommend others to try out or keep a eye open for.  

I'll be listing the last three good games I've played or am playing at this time, and also a game or two that I am currently waiting to ship. 

Games in Play:

Games on Watch for: 

More will come I'm sure, and I can't buy all the games I like, but the graphics and multiplayer RPG experience looks promising with the two games on watch. 

Cheater's Corner - Tired of getting diced by the vampire in Blade of Darkness? Crawl into a dark dank hole and can't find your way out?  Even the best of us need a little help now and then.  Here is a couple of links to helpful sites catering to the helpless or confused. 

Gamespot - reviews, downloads, cheats
AVAULT - Reviews, cheats, downloads 