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Up 1969 Charger R/T Library Citadel


I like reading books. I prefer Science Fiction/Fantasy genre and have built up a pretty good sized library with my favorite authors.

I've always enjoyed reading books, but never really got sucked into them until College. 

My first Sci-Fi series was Stephen Donaldson's Lord Fouls Bane, in my 3rd year of College during exam week. 

After College, my first job entailed staying up all night watching for prints and ensuring the nuclear missiles didn't launch themselves when no one was looking.  To stay awake, you could study for your master's degree, continuing education, or read books.  I went for professional courses and Sci-Fi.  

In two years of working two to three shifts per week, with each shift taking approximately 30 hours (60-130 mile drive to and from plus 24 hours onsite) Plus training/testing two days a week, there was plenty of time to read something - in the diesel trucks or at 3am. 

The next house will have to have shelves to support a 500+ book collection. 

My Favorite Series

Christopher Stasheff's - Escape Velocity/Warlock in spite of himself series.  A cross between true science fiction and old world fantasy.  

If you like a good cast, interesting plots and a long series of follow up books to the series you can't go wrong here. 

If you want more fantasy and less Sci-fi, pick up Her Majesty's Wizard.  It took a while for the sequels to come, but they are out now.  

I also like Jack Chalker, and while a large portion of his books are out of print right now, he still has a few Well of Souls books out.  My favorite: Lord of the Diamond series. 


Terry Brooks 


Jack Chalker


Anne McCaffrey


Christopher Stasheff