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Isn't he the cutest little thing?

In the manga of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne,
Silk is Noin's pet dragon. He also has
the cute human form seen above. He is 100% loyal
to Noin and loves his master dearly. He has a big appetite,
which gets him in trouble with Noin in the Let's Go Silk
manga special when he eats the fish Noin was saving for himself.
It was an accident though, he was hungwwwwy! He also
talks in the cutest little baby lisp. He's too adorable.

Personally, I love the Silk/Noin relationship. Silk really
is in love with Noin. They're so cute in the Silk special. If I get
a chance I'll upload the picture of Noin holding Silk in mid-air.
Why do I think Silk is in love with Noin? Not only does
he say it, but it's obvious. When Noin is knocked unconscious
breaking Maron's fall, Silk totally flips out and starts crying as he
helps his master. It's so cute! When Noin kicks him out
for eating his fish, Silk goes to Maron for help, bawling his
eyes out. He also bakes cookies in apology. It's so cute!

If you think KKJ fans are bad with cutting Noin off pages, they're
a thousand times worse with Silk. This cute little dragon makes it onto
almost no page, except for the occasional honorable
mention in Noin information.

Grrr...she's flipping off Noin!

In the anime, Silk is replaced with an annoying little
girl named Mist. I hold a personal grudge against the
thing. She's not cute. She's icky. She's annoying to Noin!
She's everything bad, and I just don't see why
Silk never made it to the anime.

I love Silk, and we all should give the baby
dragon credit for his incredible cuteness!