September 1, 2003[10:25am]: Yes, yes, I know..."Why the Hell haven't you been updating?!". I've been very very busy. Sorry! Anyway, I updated the front page. And there's a new Song of the Month. It's not the one I wanted to put up, but you can blame Angelfire for cutting my Webspace from 50MB's to 20MB's 'cause they're so frelling cheap!
May 6, 2003[9:16pm]: And we're back! This month's song is by Zi:Kill. Wheee...
April 3, 2003[12:50pm]: Due to personal reasons, there will be no new download or updates for this month.
March 6, 2003[10:08pm]: Links page is down until I can update it.
March 6, 2003[8:00pm]: Removed a few things and added this months's download. My birthday is the 13th of this month, and, as I like to do on special months there is a video to download. YAY!
February 3, 2003[2:25pm]: Valentine's Day is this month...so the song up is "Forbidden Lover" by L'arc~en~Ciel...complete with translation!
January 5, 2003[10:44pm]: Updated Song of the Month. This time it's by Takui!
December 2, 2002[2:04pm]: Uploaded "Gen-iro Basha" by Noir Fleurir today. ^.^ Check it out, hehe
October 3, 2002[12:20am]: I finally updated the song of the month!! Yay! This month is "Numb" by Oblivion Dust. Oh, and check out the Cosplay section. I finally have pictures up from Otakon! ^.^
September 5, 2002[1:17pm]: Sorry if I am late updating this month. I just got back from Dragon*Con Monday and I have been very sick since yesterday...I will still try to update the download section and the cosplay section soon though. x.x
August 5, 2002[6:25pm]: Ok! New front page image. ^.^ Gave it a nice boarder so it melts into the page well. Looks cool, ne?
August 5, 2002[6:03pm]: Dang, it looks like the only times I update are for songs. o.o; Ah, I will be uploading stuff from Otakon to the Cosplay section soon!! Anyway, this month's song is "Carnation Crime" by Lucifer. Check it out!
July 4, 2002[10:42pm]: New song, "- O C" by Dué le quartz in Download of the Month.
June 4, 2002[3:25pm]: 7 new Pocket Bishonen, new picture on the Front Page, and a new song in Download of the Month.
May 2, 2002[3:15pm]: This month's download is the video of hide's 'Terebi Time'.
April 15, 2002[10:05pm]: New song in the Song of the Month section. This time it's Kagrra's "Nue no Naku Goru".
March 27, 2002[7:20pm]: New section in Hideto's Junk...It's a Gallery of art I did using GIMP...Don't steal.
March 2, 2002[1:36pm]: New picture on front page.(It was to awesome to pass up) And new MP3 in 'Download of Month'...This time it's by Dir en Grey
Febuary 5, 2002[2:10pm]: Been a while...updated Song of the Month. Not many people've been d/ling the songs/videos I put up in there which is interesting. I guess no one visits my site...
January 3, 2002[4:45pm]: Updated Download of the Month and changed front page back to normal.
December 23, 2001[4:01pm]: Journal changed to my LiveJournal as DeadJournal is down(and has been for a few days ^^; sorry)
December 18, 2001[5:48pm]: Made some updates to 'Hideto's Junk'
December 13, 2001[4:50pm]: ^_^ Front page changed to hide theme for his b-day...I will keep it up till New Years.
December 13, 2001[2:23pm]: Wah! Haven't updated in a long time! Anyway, new download. This time the Music Video "Gekka no Yasou Kyoku" by Malice Mizer. ^.^
November 4, 2001[11:03pm]: Updated Song of the Month with "Longing~unchained melody~" by X Japan
October 29, 2001[7:16pm]: My DeadJournal will now serve as my 'Journals of the Webmaster'(don't ask) page...
October 15, 2001[4:59pm]: Journals of the Webmistress is down until I can work on it...if I so decide not to work on it again I'll delete that section...
October 13, 2001[1:56pm]: New Song of the Month! ^.^ It's Everfree by hide...I was late this time, sumimasen, but for November I will have a new song by the 2nd!(That is a special day for Plague's family, by the way)
September 26, 2001[3:01pm]: Added new J-rock link to Links Section
September 18, 2001[5:02pm]: Added new links to the Links section.
September 12, 2001[4:11pm]: New section today. Song of the Month will have a new song each month. This month is "Forever Love". A new song will probally be up on October 1st.
September 11, 2001[4:06pm]: New Journal
September 8, 2001[6:08pm]: The Cosplay Section has been revamped and renamed! It's now called Northern Shinma Cosplay(It's originally intended name) and all of it's updates will be posted on it's own little Updates page. I feel it's ready to be added to Anipike. I will send it in on the 17th when submissions are opened again.
September 8, 2001[11:46am]: Updated Pocket Bishonen with new catches and fixed Dark Schneider's name, although I can't do anything about the picture. ^.^v
August 30, 2001[3:23pm]: New Journal
August 25, 2001[3:20pm]: Added new quotes to the main page and links on most of the pages that will take you back to the main one.
August 25, 2001[3:02pm]: Added Yaya's page(Angel Lain) to the Links section.
August 23, 2001[9:24pm]: New Journal
August 18, 2001[2:23pm]: Gave the Sheng Scholar, in The Cosplay Section, a new picture and updated the info on it a little.
August 16, 2001[7:48pm]: New Layout for The Cosplay Section! Go check it out! ^_^v
August 15, 2001[11:18pm]: New costume finished in The Cosplay Section. Check it out, kudasai!
August 15, 2001[7:19pm]: Added a GuestBook. ^_^v
August 13, 2001[8:22pm]: Slight update to the In-Progress part of The Cosplay Section.
August 13, 2001[7:50pm]: FINALLY I updated The Webmistress' Journals! ^_^ New entry for today, and it's really long.
August 12, 2001[9:54pm]: Update to Cosplay Section. With a new In-Progress costume.
August 11, 2001[10:02am]: Made some updates to the 'Future' section of The Cosplay Section.(Mainly to the hide costume I wanna do)
August 10, 2001[2:19amEST]: Made some updates in the Cosplay Section
August 6, 2001[5:36pmEST]: Ok! Back in America now. ^_^ Moved the WitchVox article to Hideto's Junk, gonna try and work on the Cosplay Section a little.
July 31, 2001[6:22pmTWN]: Finished the Finished section of my Costumes Page for now. All of my thoughts and everything are up. ^_^
July 27, 2001[7:54pmTWN]: Made a couple minor updates in The Cosplay Section.
July 21, 2001[4:57pmTWN]: Added quotes to the front page. Fixed up the Journals a little bit. Started work on the AZ'01 Review (Will be done by August!)
July 21, 2001[4:00pmTWN]: Fixed up the background, added Hideto's Junk, put Takehito and Awards in there. Added profile of Ye Hsiao Chai to the section aswell.
July 17, 2001[6:03pmTWN]: Added graphics to the Cosplay Section, will try to work on it again by next week
Judy 14, 2001[8:24pmTWN]: Didn't do much today but Added more to Possibilities in the Cosplay Section
July 11, 2001[3:17pmTWN]: Changed a couple things, added a few pics and new ideas to the Cosplay Section.
July 8, 2001[7:04pmTWN]: Updated the Cosplay Section a bit. About ready to start my belated Review of AZ'01
July 7, 2001[9:41pmTWN]: Updated Links and the Cosplay Section. A new and improved Journal coming soon! I promise! "But right now, I need some sleep." *blacks out*
July 7, 2001[9:23pmTWN]: Woohoo! I did it! ^_^ I got practically everything moved to this domain name! Ya! I'm so glad, and it only took about 2 hours!
July 7, 2001[7:45pmTWN]: I'm in the midst of moving everything to a new domain name. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish today.
June 28, 2001[4:58pmTWN]: Ah! Put the cosplay section up. Not much is there beyond my costumes and the Animazement pics but I will continue to work on it. I also need to make another jounal soon. ^^;
June 28, 2001[2:36pmTWN]: Added 5 more Pocket Bishonen. There are little asterick's by the names so you know which are new. I am still working on the Cosplay page. It's almost done!
June 21, 2001[4:09pmTWN]: I live! ^.^ I'm running on Taiwan Standard Time(TWN); exactly 12 hours ahead of EST. Right now I am working on the cosplay section. Though, since I can do little more at this internet cafe without my laptop I'm gonna take a break and try out some games. ^_^
May 31, 2001[11:09am]: Added my Animazement Pictures. They will be put into my CosPlay section when I ever finish it.
May 14, 2001[10:58am]: New journal! It's a quicky.
May 24, 2001[10:24am]: AHHHH!!!! Everything is so hectic! I'm trying to get ready for Animazement! Ahg, better just save this for the journals...Anyway! I added American CosPlay Paradise to the Links page.
May 23, 2001[3:53pm]: Added my imood. I've had it for a while but now it's up on the front page. ^_^
May 22, 2001[6:37pm]: Added another journal entry, it's sorta hidden on the bottom of the first one. ^^;
May 22, 2002[6:22pm]: Added a new journal. It's kinda long too. ^.^;
May 19, 2001[5:39pm]: Added Links Page
May 19, 2001[4:40pm]: Added new Journal
May 19, 2001[4:31pm]: Fixed a spelling mistake on my Awards page and Takehito Koyasu's age.
May 15, 2001[10:58pm]: Strangely enough it's exactly 12 hours since my last update. I just added another journal, this time it's for today ^_^;
May 15, 2001[10:58am]: Added yesterdays journal -_-
May 13, 2001[7:20pm]: Added a new hit counter and journal entry.
May 13, 2001: Wah...I think might start putting times for these updates...Anyways. I added a little graphics to the top of almost every page.(I leave the WitchVox one alone) Makes things look a little better.
May 13, 2001: Wow. I'm doing lots of work this weekend. ^_^ Anyway, I put my fanfics in the 'Stories' section. I'm gonna work with all the webpages and try to get it so that all the colors match. Gah, I think I'll just put the entire page in HTML. Can't be that hard, ne?
May 12, 2001: Wow, lotta updates today, ne? Anyways, I took down the Gundam Wing Picture Gallery.(There are plenty of 'em out there! You don't need mine)
May 12, 2001: Changed the title of my page, since I really don't go by Sidney and my website has started to branch out; not just stories anymore folks! ^_^
May 12, 2001: Changed practically all the backgrounds and made it so the "Z"'s on the left aren't interfering with the font(So you don't have to strain your eyes to see some of the words)
May 11, 2001: As you can see I changed the back ground and main picture, I am working on changing all the backgrounds. please note that both of these pictures belong to me, I scanned in the background image(and edited it slightly) and an old friend of mine gave me the main image(Thank you Eric, wherever you are.)
May 11, 2001: Added my Journal and I'm planning a new layout.