The TV Cannabalism Musing

Have you ever noticed how many television ads feature subtle cannabalism? Or at least weird death issues? Maybe even the producers don't realize it, but check it out...

  1. Hershey's Kisses

    Remember the commercial with the two Hershey's Kisses dancing with each other? If you do, you might remember that they're dancing underneath a third Kiss, which is hanging from the ceiling like a disco ball. Except, the fact that the two Kisses are dancing means that they're alive. Which means that they're dancing under a corpse.

  2. Raisins

    I can't remember the company, but the commerical features dancing raisins. (If I recall correctly, they're dancing to "I Heard it through the Grapevine.") Dancing implies life, possibly sentience -- and this is supposed to make us want to eat them. (Note: I believe this was actually a Raisin Bran commercial.)

  3. Pizza Pops

    There's a pizza pop commerical in which a girl kisses a pizza pop and it turns into an attractive guy. He then proceeds to pick up a second pizza pop and bite into it. He was a pizza pop! He's eating his own kind!

  4. M&Ms

    Okay, so this is obvious. Talking M&Ms which we are expected to want to eat.

  5. Goldfish

    Practically the entire ad campaign is focused on the fact that this is the snack that *smiles*. Okay, maybe still not strictly cannabalism, but still....//shudder//

  6. I know there are more, I just have to remember them...